Mariah and Tessa are concerned by Sharon's behavior

The Young and the Restless Recap for Friday, June 28, 2024
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The Young and the Restless Daily Recaps (Friday, June 28, 2024)
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Friday, June 28, 2024

Mariah let herself into Sharon's house, because no one was answering her knocks. When she entered, Mariah found Sharon sitting on the couch, staring into space. Mariah asked if Sharon was okay, but Sharon brushed it off, saying that her mind had just been wandering. Mariah inquired about Faith, who was out with friends.

Mariah was filling Sharon in on things with Aria, but Sharon was clearly off in her own world again. Mariah asked "since when" Sharon had started zoning out during a story about Aria. Sharon made excuses about being busy and not getting enough sleep. Mariah showed Sharon a picture Aria had drawn, and Sharon wistfully talked about how much Cassie had enjoyed making art. Mariah insisted that Sharon accompany her to the park for some "grandma time." Sharon declined at first, but she finally said that time with Aria might be "exactly" what she needed.

Mariah and Sharon met up with Tessa and Aria at the park. Sharon took the baby to see the ducks, and Mariah reported that she was concerned with the way Sharon had been acting. Tessa suggested that Sharon was "probably just exhausted" from how hard she'd been working.

As Sharon, Mariah, Tessa, and Aria picnicked, Sharon talked about how Aria had done a "head tilt" the way Cassie had done when Cassie had been small. Mariah noted that Sharon had never talked much about what Cassie's personality had been like "when she was little." Sharon zoned out, and Mariah asked what was going on. Sharon argued again that she had just gotten distracted by work. Sharon excused herself, and Mariah and Tessa exchanged concerns that something had been "off" with Sharon.

When Sharon returned home, she called her doctor and reported that her new medicine was making her feel "so odd."

At Jabot, Diane and Jack were still upset about how things had ended when Diane had fired Kyle. Although she was still torn up about it, Diane felt that she had "made the only call" she'd been able to. Diane remembered how happy she had been when she had started working with her family at Jabot. Diane couldn't understand how everything had "unraveled into this horrible mess."

Diane continued to proclaim that she had had no choice but to fire her son. Although Jack wished there had been another way, he finally agreed that Diane had done everything she'd been able to do to work with Kyle. Jack said that Kyle had "some maturing to do."

Diane and Jack talked about how it would have been nice if things had been different. Diane said that they needed to find Kyle's replacement, but they also needed to backfill Ashley's spot in the lab. Jack questioned how they could move forward with the latest product without Ashley's "expertise." Diane told Jack that they needed an "interim solution" for Ashley's absence.

In Chancellor Park, Kyle met up with Audra. Audra questioned why Kyle had been so "eager" to join Glissade after he'd been "absolutely against" working with Audra before. Kyle said that he had been unhappy working for Jack and Diane because Diane had gotten herself in "way over her head."

Kyle argued that although he and Audra didn't trust each other, they knew each other very well and had similar work styles. Audra reminded Kyle that the last time he had said that he had been "unhappy at Jabot," it had been a setup. Kyle retorted that Audra had double-crossed him, and then she had "screwed" Tucker out of Glissade. Kyle asked how Audra had pulled off "outplaying" Tucker. Audra said that Tucker had been "weak" and had faked a heart attack in a "pathetic" attempt to retain control.

Kyle said that he and Audra had "common ground," because they would not let their emotions rule them ever again. Audra was still skeptical of Kyle's motives, but she said that she would work with him, since Victor had given her "no choice." Kyle said that Victor was "playing God" again, and Kyle didn't understand what Victor's motivation was for buying Glissade.

Audra speculated that Kyle had been hoping to use that type of opportunity to "target" his family, since they didn't appreciate him. Kyle said that things had been going fine with his family until Diane had entered the "C suite" and Jack had started enabling her power trip. Kyle asked again what Victor's plan was. Audra said that she didn't know, but she wouldn't tell Kyle if she knew.

Audra questioned if it even mattered what Victor was trying to do if he would let them run Glissade as they saw fit. Audra asked if Kyle was worried about the "competition" Jabot could potentially have with Glissade. Kyle replied that he "couldn't be more excited" about it.

At Crimson Lights, Faith and Lucy met for lattes. Lucy talked about how fun college sounded, but Faith said that she also had to "squeeze in" studying. Faith said that she had spent most of her time at college with her ex-boyfriend, and she didn't party, anyway, because she didn't drink. Faith explained that the last time she had drunk, she had "almost died." Faith told Lucy the whole story of drinking and driving -- and losing her kidney. Lucy asked if Faith ever felt like she was "missing out on all the fun." Faith received a text, and she said that she needed to meet her friends.

Chloe and Sally, also at the coffeehouse, chatted about the possibility of Chloe returning to Marchetti. Summer texted and asked to meet with Sally and Chloe. Chloe worried that Summer just wanted to "watch [her] squirm."

Kyle and Audra made their way to the Athletic Club for drinks. Kyle continued to complain about his parents. Audra said that she hadn't thought Diane would "turn on" Kyle, but he reminded Audra that Diane had allowed him to think she had been dead for many years. Kyle vowed that he would take Glissade and make it a "powerhouse rival like Jabot has never seen." Audra smiled and said that things "might work out, after all."

Summer, Sally, and Chloe entered the restaurant, as Summer sneered at her "ex acting like an idiot, again."

Audra saw Summer scowling at them, and she asked if Summer was "up to speed" on Kyle's work life. Kyle replied that he and Summer were divorced, and their conversations revolved around Harrison. Kyle suggested that they discuss "the very real possibility that Tucker could be out for revenge." Audra said that Tucker was "broken," but she was ready if Tucker were to "rally." Audra said that she'd like to get started working together soon. Kyle said that he could "handle that," and he left.

Across the room, Sally showed Summer some designs, but Summer was clearly preoccupied watching Audra and Kyle. After Sally got Summer's attention, Summer said that she didn't think the design was "quite right." Chloe got ready to argue, but she stopped herself and said that there would certainly be other options than what they had presented. Summer smiled, and she said, "Good save."

Summer said that she was willing to give Chloe "a second chance." Chloe and Sally were thrilled, and they started telling Summer about the winter line they had been working on. Summer got distracted when Audra got up to leave. Summer excused herself and yelled after Audra.

Summer questioned what had been going on between Audra and Kyle. Audra accused Summer of being nosy. Audra asked "what difference" it made to Summer what Audra and Kyle had been up to.

At Jabot, Jack grew emotional, and he said that he hated that Jabot had "so few Abbotts" left working there. Diane reminded Jack that Allie was still with Jabot in Paris. Diane said that the door was "open" when the family members wanted to return. Diane and Jack were hugging as Kyle entered.

Jack hoped that Kyle had reconsidered leaving Jabot, but Kyle said that he was just there to clean out his office. Jack suggested that Kyle be "open to compromise," but Kyle said that he should probably thank Diane for "freeing [him] up to explore other opportunities." Diane said that it sounded like Kyle might have "already found another job."

Diane inquired if Kyle had already been looking for a new job. Kyle dodged her question, and he left to pack up his office. Jack told Diane to go after Kyle and work things out. Diane refused, and she offered again to resign if Jack wanted to give Kyle his job back. Diane asked if she had been a "mercy hire" for Jack, but he insisted that had not been the case. Diane said that Kyle just needed to find a place where he felt like he belonged. Jack said, "I just wish he felt he belonged here."

On the next The Young and the Restless...


• Lily tells Billy that congratulations are in order

• NIkki offers to be there for Jack the way he has been there for her

• Chelsea and Adam kiss



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