The Chipmunk
"Kevie" nickname by Angelina
"Plato Sphere" (writer pseudonym)
"Fish" nickname by Detective Harding
IT analyst for the Genoa City police department
Former owner/manager of Crimson Lights Coffee House
Co-creator of and former partner in TagNGrab website
Former bagman for Jeffrey’s bookie business
Former accountant and computer tech support for Gloworm
Former owner Crimson Lights Coffee House
Former IT person for Tucker McCall Unlimited
Former director of internet affairs at Jabot Cosmetics
Former bookkeeper at Market Street Recreation Center
Former bookkeeper for Marsino's Gentleman's Club
Former electrician's apprentice
A house in Genoa City with Chloe, Bella, Miles and Gloria
In a committed relationship with Chloe Mitchell
Jana Hawkes (deceased) [Married: Aug 18, 2008; divorced: Sep 29, 2010]
Angelina Veneziano [Married: Feb 10, 2012, annulled: Mar 26, 2012]
Chloe Mitchell [Married: Mar 27, 2012; divorced early 2014; Remarried: Mar 12, 2014; divorced summer 2014; Ran away from wedding April 2017]
Gloria Fisher (mother)
Tom Fisher (father; deceased)
Michael Baldwin (half-brother; son of Gloria with Lowell Baldwin)
Ryder Callahan (half-brother; twin son of Tom Fisher and Sheila Carter)
Daisy Callahan a.k.a. Daisy Carter (half-sister; twin daughter of Tom Fisher and Sheila Carter)
Fenmore Michael Baldwin (nephew; son of Michael)
Bella Mitchell Fisher (with Chloe, born 2015)
Miles Mitchell (son born Oct 4, 2020, with Chloe)
A funny-looking dog named Bobby (went to live with trainer when Chloe moved to the Chancellor estate)
Lily Winters (lovers)
Mackenzie Browning (dated)
Jana Hawkes (deceased) (lovers)
Alison a.k.a “Spray Tan Girl” (lovers)
Chloe Mitchell (engagement broken; later married)(lovers)
Mariah Copeland (one night stand)
Natalie Soderberg (lovers, 2016)
Chloe Mitchell (lovers 2017-2021)
Conspired with Daniel Romalotti to get a guy named Alex to attack Lily Winters; unknown by police
Arrested for Brittany Hodges' electrocution; set free when real perpetrator was caught
Broke into J.T.'s loft apartment and trashed it; was never charged due to lack of evidence
Talked underage Lily Winters into having sex; was never charged with statutory rape due to insufficient evidence
Committed arson of Gina's restaurant, attempting to murder Colleen Carlton - was never charged due to lack of evidence
Aided and abetted his mother Gloria in her various tricks using illegal hacking into security surveillance and computer systems, and concealing knowledge that she was the one who tainted the Glo By Jabot face cream
Found the dead body of Garrett/Plum, stole part of the $700,000 he was found with, and disposed of the body; released for restitution
Breaking and entering the home of Nick and Phyllis Newman to retrieve money Noah had hidden there; was never caught.
Breaking and entering a pawn shop to retrieve records of who Katherine Chancellor's emerald ring was sold to; was questioned by police
Bank robbery - released on bail from psych ward; received pardon by the Governor
Acted as a bagman for Jeffrey’s dealings as a bookie
Jailed over night with Chloe when he was arrested for bookmaking; released for insufficient evidence
Arrested for kidnapping of Delia and Lucy Carter; charges were dropped
Hacked into TagNGrab's bank account after it was sold to Tucker and transferred funds to his own account; later transferred it back [2012]
Custody of half million dollars in stolen money [2013]
Theft of a box of donations from Katherine Chancellor [2013]
Theft of a bracelet from a house [2013]
String of burglaries, confessed and got work release and restitution [2013]
Stole a doctor's ID badge and accessed hospital personnel information, charge dropped [2014]
Charged with obstruction of justice in Austin and Courtney's murders [2015]
Coerced by Victor to hack into Nick’s bank account and drain it [Oct 2017]
Paid by Nikki to hack into Victor’s bank account and make a large transfer to her offshore account [Dec 2017]
Gave Sharon the GCPD password to obtain Adam Newman’s DNA record [Feb 2018]
Hacked into Dark Horse server for Adam [2019]
Posed as a federal agent [Oct 2019]
Money laundering for Chelsea [Oct 2019]
Kevin Fisher was a mousy bookkeeper at Marsino's Gentleman's Club. Kevin was teased by the girls and by his boss, Bobby Marsino, because he was socially inept. He turned to teen chat rooms on the Internet to manipulate young, innocent girls. Kevin met 15-year-old Lily Winters on the Internet under the chat name Fisherman. When they agreed to meet, Lily was afraid to approach him at first because he was much older, then was interrupted by her parents. Kevin thought Lily had stood him up, and when she sent him a message telling him that she was sorry, he replied saying that she was the one who would be sorry. When Lily's friends Colleen and Sierra heard about it, they warned Lily to stay away from Kevin. But Lily agreed to meet him again anyway. On Kevin and Lily's second date, he wanted her to go to his apartment. When Kevin tried to remove Lily's shirt, she shied away, so Kevin got upset and told her to leave. Lily returned later and begged him for forgiveness.
The next time Kevin showed up at the coffeehouse to get Lily, Colleen introduced herself and began to interrogate him. He became very angry and left, and Lily followed him, apologizing. Colleen didn't trust Kevin, and she and J.T. felt uncomfortable knowing that Lily was going to Kevin's apartment alone, so they followed them. Kevin opened some champagne and removed Lily's shirt as J.T. and Colleen barged in. When Colleen and J.T. saw the alcohol, they were angry, knowing that Kevin had been trying to take advantage of Lily. When Kevin tried to stop Lily from leaving, J.T. punched Kevin in the face. After everyone had left, Kevin became angrier and started breaking things.
In retaliation, Kevin went to the loft apartment J.T. shared with Raul and Brittany and trashed the place with a bat, shattering all the windows and mirrors as he looked at his reflection in them. While he was there, Kevin overheard a voice message from Colleen asking J.T. to meet her at the park. Kevin destroyed the phone and left to meet Colleen. Kevin scared her with threats and pushed her down on the bench. J.T. showed up just in time and Kevin ran off. Lily continued to see Kevin, who talked her into having sex to "prove their love." Colleen and Sierra wanted to prove to Lily that Kevin would take advantage of any young girl, and noticed the name "Fishin' for Love" in the chat room which could be Kevin using a different name to meet other girls. Colleen sent Kevin an message to meet at the park, and as she and Sierra hid behind a bush, Kevin showed up. After Kevin lied that Colleen came onto him, Lily didn't believe Colleen's claim that Kevin was "Fishin' for Love".
One night Lily sneaked out from her house and Kevin gave her some sexy lingerie, which Lily uncomfortably refused to wear. Kevin got angry and told her he wasn't sure this was going to work, but Lily assured him that she wanted to be with him. The next day, Lily skipped school to go to Kevin's all day. For Colleen and Sierra, that was the final straw, so they told her parents. When Neil showed up at Kevin's, Lily disappeared down the fire escape. Neil threatened Kevin with arrest since Lily was underage, and told him to never see Lily again. In his ranting at Kevin, he mentioned that Lily's friends had told them about Kevin.
As Kevin sat at the bar at Gina's, angrily writing the words "bitch" on a napkin, he overheard that Gina was closing up early. Kevin hid until the restaurant was locked up for the night, then left a message with Cody at Crimson Lights that Colleen's grandfather wanted to meet her at Gina's before they all went to the annual Arts Council Gala. When Colleen arrived at Gina's, Kevin lured her into the walk-in refrigerator, and locked her inside. He poured a drum of floor cleaner and bottles of liquor throughout the restaurant and started it on fire.
Extremely pleased with himself, Kevin went to Marsino's and pretended he had been working there all night when Bobby and Brittany arrived after the Gala. Kevin leered at Britt as she looked for her sheet music in Bobby's desk, then came onto her. After Britt rebuffed him and turned to walk out, he threatened her that her singing career "could go up in smoke." Later, Kevin stopped by the burning remains of Gina's and found Lily there. Lily begged him to leave because J.T. and Colleen's father, Brad, suspected Kevin was involved in Colleen's disappearance and that he had started the fire. When Brad and J.T. saw Kevin, they demanded to know where Colleen was, but Kevin said that he was only passing by. Police Detective Weber had no reason to hold him, so he let Kevin go.
After the fire was put out, Colleen was rescued from the cooler by J.T. Further investigation found no evidence to link Kevin to Gina's, and even Kevin's computer had been wiped clean destroying anything that might link him to Lily. Kevin continued to lure young girls on the Internet, while Lily had to confess everything to her parents, though luckily not pregnant or HIV-positive, she was diagnosed with chlamydia. After Kevin cornered Colleen in the ruins of Gina's, and scared her once again, J.T. went to Kevin's apartment and beat Kevin up. J.T. was arrested for assault, and Kevin had two fathers gunning for him in Brad and Neil.
Kevin showed up at long lost half-brother Michael Baldwin's office expecting help. As if Michael didn't have enough to worry about with his involvement in the Newman Enterprises bribery scandal. It was revealed that Michael's father had been a former hippie turned boozer who disappeared. Michael was ten-years-old when his mother remarried and Kevin was born. Michael described Kevin as a great kid, funny, and full of potential. But Kevin's father "Terrible Tom" was a drunk who took out his frustration and anger by abusing and beating Michael, who escaped from home as soon as he could as a teenager. Then the beatings fell on Kevin, who was repeatedly abused both physically and verbally and locked in a closet. With their childhoods, it was no wonder both Kevin and Michael turned out to be the men they did. Kevin escaped and lived with his half-brother while Michael was a struggling Law student on a partial scholarship. Kevin became an apprentice electrician, but he ripped off Michael and his friends, and while replacing some switches at a neighbor's he caused a fire that burned down the house. No charges were ever filed, but Kevin was fired, and Michael sent him packing.
When Kevin's boss Bobby Marcino discovered Kevin's alleged illegal activities including arson, statutory rape, and attempted murder, he fired Kevin. Shortly afterward, stripper Brittany Hodges was electrocuted during her act by contact with the dancing pole, and suffered severe burns to her face. Kevin was one of the suspects, his motive being revenge toward Bobby for firing him, and toward Britt for dismissing his advances. Kevin fell for older woman, Lauren Fenmore, so she accepted an invitation to be his date for the Valentine dance at the Athletic Club, hoping Kevin would admit to some of his misdeeds. Instead Kevin found out he was being set up and held Lauren captive at this apartment. Lauren was shocked when Kevin turned his gun from her to himself, just as half-brother Michael came pounding on his door. Michael managed to talk Kevin into letting Lauren go and got the gun away from him, by promising to never run out on his brother again. Not long afterward, Kevin was arrested for Brittany's electrocution, and he panicked over spending the night in jail - reminding him of those long dark punishments in the closet as a kid. Lauren took pity on Kevin, bailed him out, and he moved in with Michael as part of the deal. Finding out that Lauren was the one who bailed him out, Kevin was sure Lauren really cared for him.
Kevin went to the Jabot Boutique to thank Lauren and ended up confiding his Genoa City crimes to her, but claimed that he did not hurt Brittany. Lauren swore she wouldn't tell anyone. Paul guessed from Lauren's demeanor that Kevin had confessed, so Paul went after Kevin and stupidly pressured him, inferring that Lauren had told him everything. Kevin fled Genoa City to his mother's apartment in his and Michael's home town of Detroit. Kevin awaited his mother Gloria's return, opened that same closet door and relived the terrifying experience of being locked inside as punishment as a child by "Terrible Tom." Gloria was shocked to see him, and hugged and rocked him, begging him to love her, after she had turned her back on the abuse for all those years. Michael showed up just before the Detroit police knocked on the door looking for Kevin. Michael called Detective Weber in Genoa City, and convinced him to let Michael bring Kevin back. Gloria and Michael hadn't seen each other in many years either, and Michael was obviously resentful of her. But Gloria talked Michael into letting her return to Genoa City with Kevin. Kevin ended up in jail, and when the other prisoners labeled him a child molester, they beat him up with a "blanket party." Kevin was admitted to the hospital, but the charges were dropped when Bobby got his mobster pals to admit they were the ones who electrocuted Brittany.
Michael laid down the law to his two unwelcome houseguests to not touch anything and give him his space, but allowed them to use his membership at the Athletic Club and charge their needs to him. John Abbott was bedazzled by the much younger Gloria Fisher, unaware that she was the mother of unscrupulous attorney Michael Baldwin and Kevin Fisher, the guy who tried to murder John's granddaughter Colleen and burned down Gina's restaurant. Ashley and Jack were both shocked when John and Gloria returned from a cruise and announced that they were married. Convinced that the low class Gloria was a gold-digger, Ashley disapproved of their relationship and vowed to end it, while Jack was content if Gloria made John happy. When John found out that Gloria was mother to Michael and Kevin, he was ready to end the marriage. But a fall down the stairs caused John to break his hip, and Gloria managed to weasel her way back into his good graces while he recuperated from hip replacement surgery.
Kevin's infatuation for Lauren continued, but Michael was drawn to Lauren himself as they met often to discuss Kevin, and Michael and Lauren eventually ended up being lovers. Mac was able to get Kevin to open up to her, and convinced him to go to a psychiatrist. Kevin appeared to be learning how to deal with his past when he realized that Mac was not interested him as more than a friend and accepted it. Michael and Kevin grew close, and Kevin bought Michael a lottery ticket that turned out to be a winner. Michael shared a good portion of the winnings in a trust fund for Kevin. Michael eventually proposed to Lauren after dinner in the private dining room at the Genoa City Athletic Club which he had set up like a gambling casino. After some hesitance by Lauren over Michael's lack of communication about his personal life, Lauren did accept his proposal.
Gloria was thrilled with the impending marriage, and took over the wedding plans. Michael quizzed Lauren about her rarely-mentioned son Scotty, hopeful that he would attend the wedding and they could finally meet, but Lauren was evasive. After an Internet search turned up nothing but a last name for Scotty, Kevin asked to borrow Lauren's cell phone, and they obtained his phone number and traced him to Toronto. Michael went there and met Scotty, then 24-years-old, and a college student/teaching assistant, working on his Masters in Education with a specialty in creative writing. Scotty admitted that he had never returned to Genoa City since he was a toddler, and grew up in boarding schools around the world. But wherever he had been, Lauren visited often and kept an apartment nearby. Scotty always wondered why his mother had been so secretive, but said he had given up asking back when he was a kid. Not long after Michael returned to Genoa City, Lauren decided that it was time to tell Scotty about her impending marriage, but Scotty admitted that he had already met Michael. Lauren felt betrayed, but Michael later reminded her about how she disliked his own family secrets. After Lauren left Scotty's, Sheila Carter walked out of Scotty's bedroom. Sheila, known to Scotty as "Brenda", was taking college courses and being tutored by Scotty, who was the spitting image of his father. Sheila gave Scotty an idea for a novel. Unknown to Scotty, the story was about Sheila and his mother, Lauren, but Sheila made Lauren out to be the evil-doer who had stolen Sheila's baby, but the opposite was true. Meanwhile, Michael discovered the history between Lauren and Sheila, and concerned for Lauren, he visited another "Sheila" in a California prison for the criminally insane. Actually this unknown person had turned herself in after a two month's escape. She had had plastic surgery to look like Sheila and was kept drugged so that no one would know that Sheila was not incarcerated.
Scotty decided to go to Genoa City for his mother's wedding and moved into the loft apartment with Kevin. "Brenda" soon followed and took up residence in the same seedy hotel in which Tom Fisher was staying. "Terrible Tom" and "Brenda" hit it off and joined forces against Michael and Lauren. Scotty visited "Brenda" often to work on their book. Sheila felt free to move about in Genoa City disguised as the dark haired British-accented "Jennifer." She even ended up saving Gloria's life while she was waitressing at a party at the Athletic Club. When Scotty bought his mother a silver pendant, Sheila saw her chance and dipped it in poison. The more Lauren wore it, the more she started getting sick and having hallucinations. The night before her wedding, Lauren waited for Michael to join her for a romantic dinner on the roof of his building. She began hallucinating that Sheila was tormenting her. Sheila was there for real, attempting to talk Lauren into jumping off the roof. Michael arrived just in time to save her, though never saw Sheila. Lauren was admitted to the hospital where they discovered that she was being poisoned, but "Brenda" talked Tom into stealing the necklace before it could be checked for toxin. The wedding was postponed while Lauren recovered. Scotty got a book deal for "One Stolen Heart", but "Brenda" was livid.
Ashley began dating Paul Williams but was also being pursued by a mysterious man named Tom Callahan. What she didn't know was that he was Gloria's ex-husband, and Kevin's child abuser father, "Terrible" Tom Fisher. Gloria did not know if Tom was even still alive, but Kevin's first encounter with him turned him back into that cowering child he had once been. Michael paid Tom off to leave town, but he took the money and never left. While trying to figure out what Tom was up to, Michael discovered that Gloria's divorce from Tom had never been filed. Michael assured Gloria that her marriage to John would be viewed as legal, but could be voided should John decide to. Tom was seeing a lot of Ashley, doing things together like fishing and baseball games. They always just barely missed encountering Gloria or John at the Athletic Club or at the Abbott mansion. One day Tom's luck ran out when they ran into Michael at the Abbott's. Michael did not expose Tom to Ashley, but afterward Michael suggested to Gloria that she have Tom declared legally dead. After witnessing a bit of his temper, Ashley asked Tom to back off, saying that she only wanted to be friends. Tom discovered the ad in the paper declaring him dead, and went to the Abbott mansion and confronted Gloria who was shocked and terrified to see him. She held Tom at bay with a fireplace poker while he tried to sweet talk her in his smarmy manner, saying that he expected a cut of her good fortune in being married to a rich man. But Gloria gave him hell about the kind of man he was and got him out the back way, just before John and Ashley returned. Tom showed up at Michael's and Lauren looked on in horror as Michael fought "Terrible Tom" with all the years of rage coming out.
Kevin became close friends with Mackenzie again, and they decided to go into business together. They convinced Nick and Sharon to sell Crimson Lights, Kevin used his lottery winning trust fund, and they began running the coffee shop together.
Gloria was still so cowed by Tom that she gave in to his blackmail demands by tricking money out of John by supposedly paying expenses for Michael and Lauren's wedding. Michael decided it was time to put a stop to it all and tell John the truth. But Tom outwitted Michael by going to John himself, telling John who he really was, and that his intentions toward Ashley were honorable. Tom claimed that Michael had known about him all along but Gloria had not, and that he was only there to make up for the past. John went home and told Gloria, who played into Tom's plan once again. Gloria was free and clear with John, but further indebted to Tom, and Michael had been put on the spot. Ashley was told, and she later slugged Tom at the Athletic Club. Because Gloria continued to pay Tom blackmail money stolen from John, Michael formed an alliance with Ashley. They planted drugs in Tom's motorcycle saddle bags, and arranged for him to be caught. But Tom pressured Gloria through Sheila (disguised as Jennifer) to pay his bail. Ashley began dating Tom as part of the plot to bring him down, but Tom found out and was looking for revenge.
Not realizing that Sheila was intent on murder, Tom was conned into joining her plot to get back at Lauren by planting a bomb on Lauren and Michael's honeymoon yacht. Michael watched in horror from shore as the yacht blew up. Lauren was not found, and was presumed dead. But Tom had rescued Lauren and had taken her and Sheila back to a farmhouse in Genoa City where he locked them in the basement fallout shelter. Lauren convinced Tom that Sheila was the "bad guy", so he contacted Gloria to arrange a deal to turn over Lauren. John overheard the phone call, grabbed his gun, and met Tom in an alley instead. During a struggle the gun went off, and Tom was killed. John dropped the gun and took off, then was involved in a car accident, but Ashley arrived in time to witness the shooting. Ashley confessed to killing Tom and was arrested with Michael acting as her lawyer. The morgue attendant handed over Tom's effects to Kevin, which included a key to a safety deposit box which Michael later traced to a bank in Cleveland.
Meanwhile Lauren and Sheila fought, and Lauren broke Sheila's ankle. Eventually, realizing that Tom was not coming back, they joined forces to attempt to escape. As they were almost out, Paul arrived and pulled Lauren to safety while the shelter caved in on Sheila. Sheila was not found in the rubble, but was later seen by viewers at a plastic surgeon wanting a new face. Michael and Lauren enjoyed a tearful reunion, and everyone in Genoa City was relived that she was alive. After recovering from the car accident, John regained his memory, and confessed to killing Tom. John got Paul to help him convince the D.A. that he was guilty, and took a plea bargain to get Ashley exonerated of all charges. Although Colleen, Gloria, Jill, Katherine, Jack, Victor, and Ashley testified as character witnesses, they were shocked when John was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter. John arranged a plea bargain to get all possible charges dropped against Ashley for her deception, and was sentenced to seven years in prison.
About the time that Colleen returned to Genoa City intent on getting J.T. back, Mac discovered that she was pregnant with J.T.'s baby. Mac could not bring herself to tell J.T., but she told her grandmother Kay and Kevin. It wasn't until Mac miscarried that J.T. found out and was livid that she hadn't told him but had confided in Kevin instead. Mac and J.T. broke up, and Mac moved out of the loft and back to the Chancellor Estate. Everywhere Colleen went she ran into Kevin Fisher, who had tried to kill her. Yet all of her former friends were convinced that Kevin had changed and had become friends with him. Colleen won J.T. back from Mac after J.T. had a one-night stand with Victoria Newman - her father's fiancé. Brad forgave Victoria but Colleen gave a nasty speech at Victoria's wedding shower suggesting that Victoria be checked for VD before the marriage. Colleen then moved into the loft with J.T.
Mac was getting closer to Kevin, then she suddenly left and returned to the Indian reservation. Mac later returned to Genoa City to tell Kevin that she was moving to New Orleans to work with her father, Brock, and had signed a power of attorney for Kevin to be able to run the coffee house on his own.
With John in prison, Gloria invited Kevin to live at the Abbott estate, ingratiated herself to Kay and Jill to land a job at Jabot as fashion consultant, then managed to get Kevin hired on as Director of Internet Affairs to replace Phyllis. Gloria confided in both Kevin and Michael about her many schemes against John's children for resenting her, and her sons reluctantly helped to keep her secrets.
Kevin hired a new employee named Jana Hawkes for his coffeehouse, Crimson Lights. She was British, just getting over being dumped by a guy in Chicago, and new to Genoa City. Jana, the bohemian who rode a scooter to work, lived in a camper down by the lake and wore colored streaks or decorations in her hair. She knew a lot about art and the world, because she had traveled around a lot as a kid, and she had a strange fascination with serial killers. Kevin and Jana began dating, and went on wild adventurous dates like skydiving, but Jana knew too much about Kevin's family and Brad Carlton to be for real.
Daniel and Lily's young marital bliss was interrupted when Alex arrived back in town and began blackmailing Kevin and Daniel by threatening to expose how he had helped them to pretend to attack Lily years before. Daniel told Jack and Phyllis about it, and both suggested he tell Lily the truth, which he finally did. Meanwhile, Kevin and Gloria had devised a scheme to get rid of Alex. They drugged Alex, and videotaped a faked rape scene with the help of Jana. Once Alex saw the tape, he left town.
While in prison John started getting into fights with inmates and having spells where he believed his first wife Dina had just left him. Jack, Ashley and Gloria were made aware, and Jack got permission for John's doctor to look at him, and it was discovered that John was being over-medicated. Before that was corrected, Jack took this opportunity to get John to hand-write a new will cutting out "his evil wife" whom John thought was Dina. Six months after his incarceration, John was about to be released early due to ill heath when he had a stroke and was rushed to GC Memorial in grave condition. The doctors made the family aware that John would never come out of his vegetative state and had signed a DNR. After much bickering between Gloria and Jack, Gloria decided to use her authority in the DNR to allow John to die. Billy and Traci returned to say farewell to their father, as did old friend Kay, and X-wife Jill. Jack and Ashley, who wanted a small family-only memorial service for John, over-ruled Gloria who wanted a huge lavish funeral. As the feud between them heightened, Jack made sure that Gloria had the wrong time so that she missed the memorial service where each of John's children, and Kay and Jill, gave a heartfelt eulogy. Gloria, Michael, Lauren and Kevin arrived to find it over, so held their own service for John including Gloria's eulogy.
The Fishers were jubilant and the Abbott's were appalled to discover John's will left Gloria 50% of his billion dollar estate, and the rest including the Abbott mansion to be divided among his children. But when everyone arrived in probate court, the prison chaplain turned over the hand-written will he had been given for safe-keeping by John which divided the estate among only his children. It was also exposed that John's attorney had never gotten around to making the marriage between John and Gloria legal. Afterward, Gloria arrived at the Abbott Mansion to find her belongings in trash bags on the front porch and the locks changed, with Jack gloating behind the glass door. The next day, as John looked on in the guise of Jack's guilty conscience, the judge decided in the end that the hand-written will would stand, so Gloria was cut out. Assuming that Jack was somehow behind this, Gloria was livid. She and Kevin moved in with Michael and Lauren. Jill and Kay promoted Gloria to Vice President of Creative Affairs for Jabot, further infuriating the Abbotts.
Jana became the manager of Crimson Lights, and she and Kevin, the quirky couple who no one understood but themselves, moved in together in an apartment in Michael's building. However, Jana suddenly disappeared, and so much of her blood was found in the park, she was feared dead. Jana had been saving up her blood to set this all up. As part of her plan, she kidnapped Colleen so that Jana and her father, Milan, could get to a Nazi treasure in the Czech Republic before Brad and Victor. Once she had the secret code from Colleen, Jana admitted that her great-grandfather, a jeweler, had been forced to etch the inscription into a reliquary, and then afterward, the Nazis had murdered him because he had known too much. She also surprised everyone by confessing to the murder of Carmen Mesta.
Jana trapped Colleen and Kevin in a walk-in cooler in an abandoned building and set it afire. Although Jana had fallen in love with him, framing Kevin was her necessary out, and since Kevin had once tried to do the same to Colleen, Kevin would be blamed, and it would be assumed that he had mistakenly gotten trapped with her this time. Jana's father, Milan, turned up at the catacombs after Victor, Victoria, and Brad discovered the treasure. Milan locked them up, but was killed by the authorities as he tried to escape with the treasure. As the smoke got thicker, Kevin gave Colleen his water-soaked shirt to help her breathe. They bonded, and were later J.T. and Adrian rescued them, but Jana disappeared.
Amber made friends with Daniel and they spend a lot of time together helping each other with their various deceptions. Amber showed him the Website where her online porn clips were featured, Daniel then joined the site and got hooked on Internet porn. Porn was taking over his life resulting in bad grades, getting caught looking at porn at work, getting phished which cleaned out his bank account, being arrested as underage and solicitation at a strip club, and the erosion of his marriage to Lily due to his continual lying about it all. Lily made him see a therapist but he was lying about his progress as well. Chats with Neil, Jack, Devon, Phyllis, his therapist and even Kevin do not seem to be getting through to him as he denies and lies. Lily tossed him out and Devon punched him out.
An old boyfriend from Amber's shady past named "Plum" came to town trying to blackmail her with some of her porn tapes. He was staying at Kevin's with him and Daniel until he was found dead of a broken neck in his locked room with a bag filled with money. Although it appeared that he may have fallen from a chair while getting the bag from above, Amber, Daniel and Kevin decided to dump the body and bury the money at the Chancellor estate. Although they swore each other to secrecy and that they would not touch the money, when Amber needed money for a new demo tape for her singing career, she dug up the bag and took some of it, but was seen by an unknown person re-burying the rest. A Treasury Agent named Bonachek traced the money to the trio, and someone named Carson, claiming to be an old Army buddy of Plum's, was asking around GC for him. Cane got suspicious and began looking into Amber's background. Carson was happy to help and exposed Amber's past. Then Cane discovered that he and Amber were not legally married, confronted her and made her sign an acknowledgement that she tricked him into marriage to make it void. Cane threw her out, and she went to live in Kevin's spare bedroom. Then Amber got kidnapped and locked in a closet. She escaped into the arms of Carson, Bonachek arrived, followed by Daniel and the cops. The trio was arrested, but were to get off with probation if each paid back the stolen money. Phyllis was to cover Daniel's share, and Gloria Kevin and Amber's.
Months later, Jana reappeared to Kevin via video on his computer, begging for forgiveness and proclaiming her undying love for him. Kevin was torn, knowing Jana was the only person who had ever loved him for himself, yet she had tried to kill him. Revenge won out, and he lured her back to Genoa City by telling her he forgave her and showing her Plum's money. Kevin met her in a warehouse; she pulled a gun on him, so he chloroformed her and held her there. Colleen had followed him, then Daniel and Michael, and they all pleaded with Kevin to turn Jana over to the police and not kill her. He called the police, then the others left.
Jana was taken into custody, but had a seizure, which turned out to be caused by a brain tumor. Kevin was torn between his love and hate for Jana, as she told the police that the others were there, and he had all that money, which they all denied, saying she was crazy. Jana needed surgery for which she could not pay, and went in and out of her delusion that she and Kevin were married and had two kids named Nigel and Kate. She convinced Kevin that the things she had done in the past had been caused by the tumor, so Kevin got her the money for the surgery by blackmailing his mother, Gloria. Colleen became Kevin's new best friend, and joined him in his forgiveness and support of Jana, who was released from prison and returned to living with Kevin and working at Crimson Lights.
Amber decided to dig up the money again and arranged an elaborate ruse to be able to keep it following Ji Min's death. She rented his former room at the Athletic Club and set fire to smolder some of the money and shredded bills from the mint in the air shaft to make everyone think it had burned up. Michael got them a deal on the other charges for two years probation and 90 hours of community service. Time passed and Amber began spending more of the stolen money. Daniel and Amber got drunk together one night and ended up turning their friendship into an affair. Things were very uncomfortable between them afterward, plus Amber looked very suspicious spending more of the stolen money to rent Phyllis's luxury penthouse for herself. Daniel helped her move in, and they christened her new apartment by making love. Afterward he found her satchel containing the money, Amber confessed and Daniel forgave her. Daniel told Kevin, who made them burn the money, but Daniel video taped it to prove to Kevin it was done. Don't you know that will haunt them later! Amber begged her way into a job as receptionist at Restless Style Online/Magazine, where Daniel was a photographer's assistant.
Kevin was left without his number one barista when Jana left to be Sabrina's assistant at the Newman Art Gallery. Gloria worked at Crimson Lights for a while unsuccessfully, and Jana part-time until Kevin found someone else, which ended up being Colleen.
Although Jana was originally planning her wedding to Kevin in "Goth" style with Amber designing her gown, she was influenced by being maid of honor for Sabrina and began dreaming of a more traditional wedding. However, Jana and Kevin ended up with a hippie-style wedding at an ashram in Malibu. All in hippie attire except for Jana's white lace gown, Amber was the maid of honor, and Daniel was Kevin's best man, with Michael as groomsman. Lauren, Gloria and Jeffrey attended, and Colleen tagged along as Daniel's date.
To everyone's shock, the guru officiating turned out to be Michael's long-lost father, Lowell "River" Baldwin. Gloria and Michael gave him a tongue-lashing over his abandoning them before Michael was born, and Lowell retorted with cosmic gibberish about fate and the universe, and asked them not to turn him in to the "Feds." Michael gave Lowell hell, with tears of hurt in his eyes, but left saying he would not turn his father in. Meanwhile, Daniel and Colleen had sex; Amber spotted them, and left. Amber returned to Genoa City claiming she met and had sex with a surfer named Liam before she had left. Jana and Kevin honeymooned driving a 69 Dodge Charger on the California coast.
Katherine began having some recurring memory loss, but was covering it up pretty well. Gloria took advantage, pulling tricks to convince Kay she was losing it in an attempt to get enough of Kay's Jabot stock to have controlling interest. Kevin helped her once by moving Kay's car to make her think she'd misplaced it, but Jana found out and disapproved. Luckily Jill caught and stopped them, just as Kay was signing over the stock. Esther, Cane, and Jill were wondering if Kay was still capable of driving, let alone overseeing Chancellor and Jabot even with Jill and Cane in charge of each. Kay responded to Jill’s taking away her keys by drinking again - or so we thought. Jeffrey spotted Marge drunk and assumed it was Kay. Kay got $75,000 in cash from the bank to get Marge into rehab, but on her way she left the bag with the money at Crimson Lights, and Kevin, unable to catch her, was keeping it in his safe. Jill and a Chancellor lawyer forced Kay to get checked out for her memory problems. While waiting for the doctor, Kay showed Nikki how bad she gets by referring to Nikki’s dead husband David as though he were still alive. After seeing the doctor, Kay talked them into giving her another day to check into the hospital so that she could secretly help Marge, then disappeared. Jeff convinced Gloria, Nikki and Esther that Kay was drinking again. Actually Kay was secretly taking Marge to rehab, but they were in a bad car accident on the way. Kay was thrown clear, but Marge was found dead in the car by Nikki and Jill who were out looking for Kay. Not knowing about Marge's reappearance, they assumed it was Kay's body. A funeral was held, and several people from Kay's past attended; her son Brock, her late grandson Phillip's wife Nina, her step-son and daughter Danny and Gina, her attorney Mitchell, and her old friends Liz Foster, Traci and Ashley, and Dina Mergeron. Daniel sketched a picture of Kay which was framed on her casket. Meanwhile Marge's friend Murphy found Kay lying beside a creek, assumed it was Marge, and after she refused to go to a hospital, took her home with him to his trailer house. Kay's injuries were slight, but she was confused about who she was, trying to fit into what Murphy told her of Marge, the waitress with the drinking problem.
Kay's will was read, and Brock received one percent of her billion-dollar-plus assets in trust to continue his good works and was named Chairman of the Chancellor Foundation. Her step-children Gina and Danny received a one-half of one percent in cash. Esther received one tenth of one percent and Kay’s half of the estate, so that Esther could live her life in financial freedom. Nikki received all of Katherine's jewelry, including a family heirloom emerald and diamond ring given to Kay by her mother. Grandchildren Cane, Billy, McKenzie, and Phillip received one-quarter of one percent in trust. Katherine left one fifth of one percent to Amber, so that she and Daniel could pursue their artistic goals, and gave Amber the sole rights to her memoirs, which Jill had forbidden her to publish. Jill was left the remainder of the assets, all but five percent of Kay's Jabot stock. That five percent, in addition to a Ming vase, was left to Gloria as both were given to her by John Abbott. Jill was livid, knowing that the Chancellors now were no longer majority stockholders.
Once Kay Chancellor was supposedly dead, Kevin's temptation to spend the money she had left in a satchel at Crimson Lights got the best of him, but Jana found out, disapproved, and, although they needed it for repairs at Crimson Lights, she gave the remaining $60,000 to Lowell for the Ashram, thinking it would cleanse their karma. Jana and Kevin thought River had taken the money with him when he skipped town, but Kevin overheard Eden and Noah saying that they had found it hidden in Eden's old teddy bear and hid it in the tack house. Jana gave up on karma and being the "June Cleaver" of Genoa City, and helped Kevin steal the money back. While visiting his mother in jail, Kevin met the woman posing as Kay Chancellor. He believed her, and Kevin and Jana, joining forces with Amber and Daniel, used Kay's money to bail her out of jail and hired Michael to represent her to prove that she really was Katherine. Once Amber realized what Kevin had done, she apologized for thinking he could have been behind Kay's death, and they became close friends again.
Amber and Kevin realized that the first letter of every sentence of the note "Marge" left when she disappeared spelled out CLINT. Clint met Amber hoping to convince her that he had witnessed Kay leaving town. As Clint left the bar, Gina spotted him and warned Amber and Kevin that he was her dangerous scammer ex-husband. Kevin and Amber tracked him down to the hotel where he was holding Kay and Esther, but Annie bluffed them into leaving. Kevin returned later, and Clint captured him too.
Clint, Annie and Roger left Kay and Esther in the hotel room with a bomb rigged to go off, drugging and framing Kevin for it, and taking him along locked in the trunk of the car. Amber and Gloria arrived in time to untie Kay and Esther, then the bomb went off, but no one was seriously hurt. Meanwhile, between Kevin's claustrophobia and the drugs, he began to believe that Clint was his dead father "Terrible Tom," which turned him into a whimpering child. Once Clint realized this, he took advantage of Kevin, coercing him to rob banks for Clint in a chipmunk head disguise. When Kevin successfully returned from his last robbery with a gunshot wound in the leg, a jubilant Clint had a heart attack and fell dead. Poor Kevin told Clint he was a bad dad and put him in the closet.
Amber found Kevin after the robbery. He took her back to his hotel and threw her in the closet with dead Clint. Michael and Daniel tracked them there, but Amber and Kevin had already left. Amber tried to convince Kevin that Clint was not his father, Tom, and that both were dead and could no longer hurt him. Kevin, in his delusional state, forced her to help him rob another bank. Meanwhile, Jana had been having raging headaches ever since Kevin was shot. Jeffrey located Amber and Kevin hiding in a railroad car, but Michael got there in time to talk Kevin into taking out his rage on Jeffrey, and surrendering with him. Michael convinced the judge to have Kevin committed for his own good, while Kay and Daniel tried to convince the judge that Amber was an unwilling accomplice.
Kevin became near-catatonic and delusional in a padded cell, and wouldn't even let Gloria near him. Though still non-responsive, he was okay with Mackenzie, Jana, and Michael's visits. Amber was the one to finally have some effect on Kevin. Jeffrey visited him, realized that Kevin was haunted by demons, and encouraged him to fight back, because he was not a bad boy.
Kevin had a major delusion that he had been put in an ambulance in a straitjacket, and the chipmunk taunted him into jumping out of the back while it was moving. He and the chipmunk escaped into the woods, where Kevin and the chipmunk had it out. With Jeffrey's words to fight back echoing in his head, Kevin did, and emerged from his delusional state, hearing Daniel pleading with him. Meanwhile, Gloria confessed to getting Kevin to go back to being bad by helping her trick Kay, so Kay banished Gloria for her greed. Roger and Annie were captured in Canada. After their statements about Clint's torture of Kevin and information that the gun Amber had hidden had been filled with blanks, Kevin was let out on bail in time to attend Kay Chancellor's wedding to Murphy.
Kay invited the governor to dinner to request amnesty for Kevin and Amber, but Jill told him that doing so would ruin his career, and when Kevin and Amber showed up, she maligned them and Katherine in front of him. Jill came on to the governor, took him into another room, and he came out very happy with Jill gloating that she had changed his mind. While Kay and Jill were sparring, Murphy convinced the governor to grant amnesty to Kevin and Amber with the gift of his military rifle from one Korean War veteran to another.
Meanwhile, Daniel held a showing of his artwork, and sold all his sketches, with prices negotiated by Jana, to a man named Howard. Amber and Daniel, along with Kevin and Jana celebrated their freedom and the sale as the buyer peered in the window. The buyer returned the next day, claiming to be Federal Agent Howard Aucker. Due to Daniel's style, Aucker wanted him to forge a painting to trap some art thieves. If Daniel agreed, he could keep the money for the sketches, but could not tell anyone. Art expert Jana spotted and recognized the painting Aucker gave Daniel to forge. Daniel lied and said that he had "artists' block," and was practicing by copying another artist's work, then later had to tell her the truth.
Daniel failed to finish in time, his and Amber's loft was ransacked, and the painting was stolen. When Daniel contacted the real Agent Aucker, it turned out the first guy was a fake. "Thomas Balfour" approached Victoria to buy a painting for the Newman collection, but she recognized it as stolen art. Victoria called Jana over to verify, and Jana was shocked to discover it was Daniel's forgery, and that "Balfour" was the fake FBI man. Victoria made a deal to meet him with the cash, and he left, then she notified the real Agent Aucker. Much to J.T.'s dismay, Aucker put a wire on Victoria and supplied the cash for the exchange, but Daniel showed up before her, and "Balfour" pulled a gun on him. Someone in a ski mask attacked "Balfour" from behind and left him shot.
When Daniel asked the man who had shot him, the guy said that it was Daniel and died, so Daniel fled. When Victoria arrived, the masked person knocked crates down on top of her and took off with the briefcase of money. Daniel became the chief suspect because his prints were on the gun after he threw it out of the victim's grasp, and both the forged painting and the $100,000 were gone. The masked person was last seen planting the briefcase in the office of the coffeehouse, where the Feds found it, and Daniel was arrested. Phyllis made his bail, but Jana, as his "accomplice," was originally denied bail due to her criminal record; Michael got her out. Kevin managed to steal the dead man's cell phone from the evidence after their bail hearing, and Daniel and Amber were intent on using it to find the real killer to clear them both.
Kevin was asked to give a presentation at Genoa City High on his experience fighting off the chipmunk and how it had changed his life. He began marketing "Face Your Inner Chipmunk," and Jana convinced him to donate the income to charity so he didn't appear to be profiting from his criminal activity.
Daniel became a suspect in the death of "Balfour." Jana discovered Deacon had possession of both Daniel's forgery and the original painting. Amber could not be talked out of trying to get the goods on Deacon, and took him up on his proposition to marry him to protect Daniel. Ryder, who worked for Deacon, confessed to Kevin that he had killed Balfour, whose real name was Ray Elkins. He said his dead father, who had known Elkins in prison, locked him in a cellar when he was a kid, and Elkins had treated him the same way, too, so Ryder had killed him. Kevin didn't believe the coincidence when Ryder claimed his father was Tom Callahan, an alias Kevin's father, "Terrible Tom," had used, but a DNA test confirmed that he was true.
Deacon visited Ryder in jail, which confirmed that Deacon had made him confess to the murder. Daniel got Ryder to confess the plan, then stopped the wedding of Deacon and Amber, making a deal to use the key to Tom's safe deposit box in Detroit to retrieve the original of the Terroni painting Daniel had forged for Deacon. With his flight not until the next day, Daniel and Amber made love all night, then he proposed, calling her his true soul mate. Because the bank refused Daniel admittance to the box, he returned with Amber posing as Tom's bereaved widow Gloria. But just after they got into the box and retrieved the painting, Gloria showed up. They convinced her to play along, and got the painting back to Genoa City, where they bickered about what to do with it, since Deacon had promised Gloria five million dollars to get it for him, Jana felt it should be returned to the museum, and Daniel needed it to give to Deacon for his and Amber's freedom.
Kevin hid the Terroni painting at Crimson Lights, but Gloria found and took it to Deacon. Daniel tricked her, got it back, and returned it to the museum. He received a $25,000 reward, but gave it to Kevin to bail out Ryder. Kevin insisted Ryder move in with him and Jana while he got a new start by working at the coffee shop. Daniel was arrested and jailed again, but Phyllis led a search of the landfill where all their friends showed up to help, and found the satchel that had been tossed by the killer as he ran away. DNA evidence on the ski mask found inside proved that the killer was a female, and Daniel was released. Unknown to everyone else, Deacon, Ryder, and Ryder's twin sister Daisy discussed their plot against Daniel, which was masterminded by an unknown woman. Their next target was Lauren who began getting visits from dead and live rats.
College girl Daisy convinced Lauren to hire her at Fenmore's and presented herself as a sweet, hard-working girl who had no family. When Eden began seeing through Daisy's con job, Daisy set the Carlton mansion on fire while Eden and Noah were upstairs making love. Noah's Uncle Adam arrived in time to save them and Noah's dog, Fisher. Eden confronted Daisy with a Fenmore's card found at the scene, certain that Daisy had set the fire. Not long afterward, an aunt in Paris contacted Eden and asked her to live in Paris for a while and attend a prestigious school there. While she hated to leave Noah, Eden persuaded Michael and Lauren to let her go. Once Eden got to Paris, she was confused when her aunt thanked her for making contact and requesting to visit. Learning of this, Noah soon got permission to join her there.
Daisy got Lauren to feel sorry for her and allow her to live in Eden's room. While packing up Eden's things, Michael found a receipt for the purchase of a rat from a pet store. The clerk remembered selling it to a young dark-haired girl with an attitude. Michael phoned and confronted Eden, who swore she was being set up and suspected Daisy. Lauren began having terrible headaches and being short-tempered with everyone, and refused to believe that Daisy was not the sweet, helpful girl she appeared to be. Jana was suspicious of Ryder and suspected that he and Daisy were not new acquaintances.
After Jana convinced Kevin of her suspicions, Ryder was fired from Crimson Lights and Kevin asked him to move out of their apartment. Ryder lived on the streets by day, and slept at the boutique at night, then later at the homeless shelter. One day Ryder watched some young trick-or-treaters and gazed at a ripped photo of himself as a young boy. Ryder recalled arguing with another boy about costumes. As Ryder remembered the boy taunting him and calling him "chicken boy," he wiped a tear from his eye, saying, "I didn't mean for it to happen."
Jana found a photo of Daisy with a boy named Max Potter, and discovered on the Internet that he had disappeared from camp one Halloween night. During a date at the Athletic Club, while Kevin was trapped in the elevator, Jana found a card on her plate, which invited her to a movie theater to finish their date. On her theater seat was a scrapbook with photos of Daisy and Ryder as babies. Realizing they were twins and who their mother was, Jana screamed, then was abducted. Kevin began frantically searching for Jana, finally enlisted the help of Michael and Detective J.T., convinced that Ryder and Daisy were behind her disappearance. Meanwhile Jana was being held in a cage in the zoo next to an abandoned amusement park near Twin Lakes, attended by a reluctant Ryder, and Daisy plotted to get rid of Jana as she left a trail to convince everyone that Jana had left Kevin and disappeared.
Lauren's headaches got worse, and she was taking medication, but Daisy was lacing her water with a drug. One day Daisy slipped her some ecstasy, which made Lauren euphoric and amorous. When Michael was too busy, Daisy photographed Lauren making out with Paul. She slipped the photo in Michael's briefcase -- all to stir up trouble, at the direction of her mother whom they called "Mama Bear." Michael, Paul, and Lauren realized that Daisy was behind the photos, had put a toxin in the paste for Lauren's new office wallpaper to cause the headaches, and was probably behind Jana's disappearance. With Detective Chance's help, they arranged for a text message to be placed from Daisy's cell phone to get Ryder to go to the Baldwin apartment, and when he arrived, both Daisy and Ryder were arrested.
Sarah Smythe, posted their bail, saying she was their mother, and all three showed up in costume at the annual charity ball, where they kidnapped Lauren. Paul later found that in 1993, Sarah Smythe had been a night nurse in a hospital in Green Bay. She had been cleared of charges when elderly patients died in her direct care. The police said she looked just like Lauren. Ryder had second thoughts and sent Kevin a text message with a clue to find Jana, Kevin went to the amusement park but did not find Jana. Lauren ended up in a cage near where Jana had been placed in a crate after she tried to escape, and they were able to talk.
Daisy confronted Lauren, admitting to being involved in everything from framing Daniel for murder and sending Eden to Paris, to planting the rats and the toxin in Lauren's office wallpaper. Daisy claimed that she and Ryder were twins raised by someone else because the ongoing feud between Lauren and their mother, Sheila Carter, stole Sheila away from them. Daisy inferred that Sheila was still alive and there with them. Lauren demanded Sheila show herself, and "Mama Bear" appeared -- with Lauren's face! Lauren and Jana ended up together in the cage where "Mama Bear" told them she was Sheila's sister, Sarah, and that she intended to avenge Sheila's death.
Sarah took Lauren's wedding ring, and left in Lauren's clothes, then stepped into Lauren's life. Michael's joy at "Lauren's" return was dashed when she told him she had awakened that morning in a strange man's bed, and began acting very abnormally. Michael arranged an appointment with a psychologist, Dr. Emily Peterson. When Sarah, passing for "Lauren," met "Emily," she recognized her immediately as Patty Williams. Sarah had been Patty's nurse at the surgical center in Argentina where they both had undergone their plastic surgeries.
Sarah made a deal with Emily, who was tired of Jack continually going to Phyllis for solace, that Sarah would kill Phyllis if Patty would kill Michael. Sarah, impersonating Lauren, visited Phyllis while Daisy waited outside, ready to strangle Phyllis. But when Lauren heard that Daniel was on his way there, she called Daisy and told her to stop him. Sarah attempted to kill Phyllis herself, but Phyllis got away and barricaded herself in another room. Meanwhile Daisy kept Daniel at his apartment by drugging him, and was having sex with him when Amber and Little Eric walked in on them.
Back at Crimson Lights, Kevin decided to find Jana by using her Ouija board with Kay and Murphy. It kept pointing to letters that spelled out zoo, so Murphy helicoptered the three of them to find Jana with a heat locator. Once on the ground, they searched separately, and Kevin found Jana suffering worse headaches than when she had suffered with her brain tumor. After Michael found Phyllis barricaded in her room, they drove to the zoo and arrived to find the real Lauren and Sarah having a gun standoff in the fun house mirrors. Meanwhile Daisy held Kevin and Jana at gunpoint, but Ryder stepped between them and convinced Daisy to give him the gun and run away with him.
Kevin picked up the gun where Ryder had dropped it, but Ryder convinced him to let them go. Michael was able to tell Lauren and Sarah apart, and tried to convince Lauren to drop the gun. He insisted that the police would take care of Sarah. But Lauren was well aware that police never could contain Sheila, either, so she started shooting. A ricocheting bullet hit Phyllis in the cast on her broken leg, and she and Michael were caught between the two Laurens, each with a gun. Phyllis gave the password "karma," which Jana had given to her, and Lauren confirmed herself as the real Lauren with the response "is a bitch," then Lauren shot and killed Sarah. Daisy and Ryder left together by car, and Daisy promised she would be back someday as her mother Sheila would want.
Murphy rushed Jana by helicopter to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. At her bedside, Kevin told Jana they were two misfit toys stuck with each other for eternity, that he had never given up on her, and never would. Her surgery went well, but to Kevin's dismay, Jana woke from surgery with no emotions, possibly due to brain damage. Jana went back to work at Crimson Lights but was so unlike herself, she even cut her long hair into a bob.
Lauren was still having nightmares of Sarah. She and Michael entered Crimson Lights and were shocked to find Ryder there, ready to turn himself in to the police. Ryder apologized to Kevin, Jana, and Lauren for his actions, saying that he'd spent his whole life taking orders from Sarah and Daisy, and even if he spent the rest of it in prison, he would finally be free of them. Kevin called the police, and Chance took Ryder to jail. Jana later visited Ryder, telling him how much she could relate to his situation.
Heather was reinstated as an Assistant D.A. thanks to Chance's recommendation and the capture of both Ryder and Patty. Jana's first returning emotion was compassion as she took a loan out against Crimson Lights to bail out Ryder. Jana admitted she had no feelings for Kevin, and that she intended to help Ryder change his life, justifying to Kevin and Lauren that although Ryder had tried to kill them, he had also helped them escape. Kevin got drunk and told Jana they were done. Jana got separate rooms for herself and Ryder at the Athletic Club, and although Ryder was reluctant because she was his brother's wife, they ended up having sex together.
Jana tried to find a way to pay Kevin back, and support them while Ryder began stealing from guests at the Athletic Club to do his part. Jana found out that Ryder was about to be arrested, so she agreed to run away with him. Kevin discovered they had run off together and was afraid he would lose Crimson Lights without the bail money Jana had gotten by mortgaging it. That came true when Ryder did not show up for his trial, but Mac rescued Kevin, offering to buy back Crimson Lights and let him run it; they would split the profits 60/40. Later, Jana returned alone, told Kevin how sorry she was, and what a fool she had been to believe in Ryder. Kevin refused to forgive her and take her back. Kevin gave her divorce papers with his signature. Jana was reluctant to sign, but eventually did. Jana went to work as an art teacher at Tiny Tots Daycare.
Kevin discovered that Jeffrey was laundering money out of Gloworm as a bookie, running his own betting operation. Rather than expose him to Gloria, Kevin made a deal with Jeffrey to take over cooking the books and act as the bagman in exchange for money to buy back Crimson Lights. Kevin made several successful money drops to a man named Hogan, but Chloe got suspicious when he kept disappearing, so she followed him. Chloe watched Kevin meet Hogan and hand him a Fenmore’s gift bag. The man informed Kevin he was short ten grand from the last drop while putting the squeeze on Kevin’s hand. Kevin said he was just the bagman, but he would let Jeffrey know. After discovering that Gloria had found and spent the money, Jeffrey dipped into his secret bank account and gave Kevin the $10,000 to deliver to Hogan in the usual gift bag. But Kevin and Chloe got stopped by the police on the way, the gift bag overturned, exposing the money and betting slips, and they were arrested and jailed. After Michael convinced Acting D.A. Heather that there was insufficient evidence to make the bookmaking charges stick, and after Kevin refused to acknowledge any association with Hogan, Chloe and Kevin were released.
When Daisy returned to Genoa City in October 2010, pregnant with Daniel's baby, she was arrested and jailed. Once Phyllis learned that she may become a grandmother, she insisted on a DNA test. The test revealed that Daniel was the father, and that the baby was a girl, but Daniel refused to have anything to do with Daisy or her child. After Daisy had a breach of the placenta and needed bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy, Phyllis got Daisy released into her custody with an ankle monitor to be sure of the baby’s welfare until it was born and could be adopted. But when Daniel saw that Daisy was keeping Phyllis and Summer apart, he petitioned the court to take Daisy to live with him, so Summer could live with Phyllis.
Kevin went to work for Mark Hogan's crime organization to raise the money to adopt Daisy’s child so it would not have to live a life like he and Daisy had. Chloe and Kevin became the best of friends, but when Kevin wanted more, Chloe shut him down, which sent Kevin to Jana in frustration. Motivated by one night of desperation sex initiated by Kevin, Jana made a deal with Daisy for Jana to raise the baby in hopes that it would return Kevin to her for good. In exchange, Jana changed her statement about her abduction to say that Sarah had forced Daisy to do the things she had done.
After Daniel threatened to legally dissolve Daisy's parental rights, a U.S. Marshall delivered her news that she would be going back to jail after the birth. Kevin told Daisy that he was aware that she was manipulating the unstable Jana, so he wanted nothing to do with her or her baby. Later, alone with Jana, Daisy went into labor, and convinced Jana to help her run away. Jana hit herself in the head and claimed that Daisy had stolen her car and fled. Daniel tracked down Daisy and helped her deliver her baby in the car. Afterward, Daisy knocked him out and left him on the road in the snow.
Daisy abandoned her new daughter at a church, where a man who was down on his luck found the baby. He sold her for five thousand dollars to Primrose DeVille, niece of infamous baby broker Rose Deville. Billy Abbott bought the baby girl from Primrose for two million dollars, because his wife, Victoria, had been told she was unlikely to ever have another child. Retro-TV-lovers, Billy and Victoria, named the red-haired baby "Lucy" after Lucille Ball. Daniel was found, later woke from his coma, and slowly remembered everything. When Victoria handed him their new baby daughter to hold, he finally remembered helping Daisy give birth.
But New Year’s Eve 2010 brought Chloe to the realization that she really loved Kevin, so she tracked him down in her robe and bunny slippers in time to kiss under the moonlit sky at midnight. Jana, watching from her car, refused to lose Kevin to Chloe, so she hit herself in the head and claimed that Daisy Carter had stolen her car and fled.
Jana could see that she had lost Kevin to Chloe, so she took advantage of her head injury and faked memory loss of everything that had happened since she had been abducted and imprisoned by Daisy. Jana convinced everyone that her sanity was dependant on Kevin, so her doctor suggested they ease Jana back to the present, and let her go on believing that she and Kevin were still happily married.
Due to Cane's death, Chloe's discovery that Chance was not really dead, and the Kevin and Jana situation, Chloe declared she was fed up with men. But Kevin, frustrated that he couldn't be with Chloe, finally told Jana that they were divorced. During the Valentine's Day puppy love benefit, Gloria locked Kevin and Chloe in the office, where they ended up making up and making love. Jana tried to interrupt, but Kevin sent her away.
Angelo took over for Hogan, and the threats against Jeffrey became more violent. One separated shoulder and one knocked out tooth later, and Jeffrey was in big trouble with the mob. Gloria still seemed oblivious to what was going on, and Angelo began threatening Kevin that Chloe would be hurt next if Jeff didn't pay up. Kevin threatened Angelo telling him that he had sent a letter to his attorney with a copy of the ledger of all bets that were laundered through Gloworm and details of the operation. That, plus Kevin's own reputation for going crazy when things don’t go his way, convinced Angelo to back off threatening Chloe. Shortly afterward, Jeffrey won big in Las Vegas and paid off Angelo. But Angelo returned, demanding Jeff turn over the ledger.
Chloe and Gloria decided to find out what Jana was up to, and were arrested for breaking and entering Jana's apartment and charged with conspiracy to commit burglary and misdemeanor theft. As Jana confessed to Billy how she had been tracking Daisy's baby through a baby broker, Billy realized that Lucy was actually Daniel and Daisy's baby. He called Primrose, who assured him that there was no way that Jana could discover his identity through her.
Daniel caught Kevin and Jana researching Prim's bank account number list that Jana had photographed, so while Kevin wasn't looking, Daniel ran a magnet over the laptop, erasing the hard drive.
While visiting Jana at Billy and Victoria's, Agnes spotted the outfit she had bought for the baby at a thrift store among some donations of Lucy's that Victoria had ready for pickup. Jana merged the pieces of Billy's shredded bank statement to verify his account number to Prim's list, and was delighted to prove that Lucy was Daisy's baby. But Victoria arrived home before Jana could tell Kevin. Meanwhile, Daniel confessed to Billy that he had DNA test proof that Lucy was his daughter. Although Daniel wanted Lucy to stay with Billy and Victoria, they agreed that they needed to stop Jana who was getting too close to discovering the truth. The next morning, Billy and Victoria awoke to discover that Lucy and Delia were missing, and so was Jana. Alerts went out that the children were kidnapped, and all the Newmans, Abbotts, and Chancellors joined the police search and prayed for Jana and the children. Chloe tore into Billy about the many times she had warned him about Jana's instability and danger to their children.
Jana called Kevin to meet her at an abandoned daycare center. When he arrived, Jana handed Lucy to Kevin and informed him that she was his niece. Once Kevin understood that Billy was the person who had bought Daisy's baby, he was relieved that she was in good hands. But delusional Jana told Kevin that Lucy belonged with them, that they could reunite, leave town, and become a family together. Kevin calmly praised Jana for her devotion to him, and told her that he wanted to be with Jana and start their own family, so they needed to return the children. Jana agreed to take the children to St. Mary's church, and Kevin texted Billy with their location. But when Kevin refused to leave the children alone there, Jana realized that Kevin had tricked her and pulled a gun on him. So Kevin left with Jana to keep the children from being harmed. Murphy and Kay were at the church praying for the children's safe return when they heard Lucy's cry. They found the children as police sirens were heard approaching. Chloe, Victoria and Billy arrived with the police and reclaimed their children. Once home and safe, Billy confessed to Victoria that Lucy was bought on the black market, and that Daniel and Daisy were her real parents. Billy had to get Daniel to assure Victoria that Lucy would always be theirs.
While the police pursued Kevin and Jana as fugitives, Chloe was convinced that Kevin was being held hostage by Jana, and Chloe enlisted Katherine's help to search for Kevin with flyers and T-shirts just as he had searched for Katherine when she was missing.
Meanwhile Jana was holding Kevin at gunpoint back at the abandoned daycare center. Kevin pleaded with Jana to turn herself in, but Jana refused, locking him in the closet, convinced that if they lived there together again he would fall back in love with her. When Jana realized that Kevin was playing her, Jana flipped out. Wearing her old goth makeup and hair, she let Kevin out of the closet and reminded him that she was capable of killing him, just as she had killed Carmen Mesta. Jana called Chloe telling her to come there or Jana would kill Kevin. When Chloe arrived, Kevin (who was tied to a chair) kicked the gun out of Jana's hand. Chloe and Jana fought over gun, but Jana suddenly went limp and died. They called 9-1-1, the police arrived, and accused them of murder. Kevin was arrested for kidnapping and Chloe was taken in for questioning. The charges against Kevin were dropped after the autopsy revealed that Jana had died of a brain aneurysm. When Kevin tried to claim Jana's body for a memorial service, he was told that a relative in England had had body shipped there.
Kevin, tired of the drama of Chloe's obsessing over Billy and the recently returned Ronan, plus all the other men in her life who had let her down; broke up with Chloe.
Chloe's daughter, Delia, was rushed to the hospital, and was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, and needed a bone marrow transplant to recover. Everyone in Genoa City was tested with no matches, leaving her missing father, Billy, the most likely person who could save her life. Meanwhile, Victor had found Billy in a jail cell in Asia, and offered Billy a deal to negotiate his freedom if he promised to never see Victoria again. Billy told Victor to go to hell. Victor got Billy to agree by telling him about Delia's condition, and that Billy might save his daughter's life if he were a match.
Victor returned Billy home to his trailer and coerced Kevin to agree to pose as the donor of Billy's blood sample. Billy snuck into the hospital unrecognized, wearing a hooded sweatshirt, to see Delia. Delia told Chloe that her daddy had been there, but everyone assumed it was a dream. The blood sample proved to be a match for Delia, so Victor arranged, with Michael's help, for a doctor to harvest the bone marrow from Billy and lead everyone to believe it came from Kevin. Victor kept Billy in hiding by threatening to reveal Billy's crime that had gotten him thrown into prison. After Delia had chemotherapy, Victor arranged with a doctor for Billy to donate the bone marrow for her transplant, and they prepped Kevin to know how to act as if he had been the donor. The transplant was successful, and Victor arranged for Billy to be gone from their lives for good.
Chloe continually reminded Kevin how grateful she was to him for saving her daughter's life, making Kevin feel guilty for being part of the deception. Feeling that they had become a family during the crisis, Chloe asked Kevin to marry him, and he accepted.
Desperately needing money to keep Gloworm and herself afloat, Gloria began to butter up the mobster, Angelo. She got Devon to listen to Angelo's spoiled gum-chewing Jersey-accented bimbo daughter, Angelina, who wanted a singing career. Although Angelina couldn't sing on key, Devon reluctantly agreed to help her get into a singing competition. Angie told Devon, "What Angie wants, Angie gets, and Angie wants Kevin." Newly engaged, Kevin, refused to have anything to do with Angie, and warned Gloria about Angelo. But Angelo, who had always been smitten with Gloria, gave her cash in exchange for becoming her partner in Gloworm. Still strapped for cash, and afraid she would lose her apartment, Gloria went to work at a Christmas tree lot. After being discovered there by Kevin, she was convinced to accept help from him and Michael instead.
Billy convinced Kevin to help him hack into Victor's computer, they retrieved the photo of Chelsea, and sent it to Cane to track her down. Chloe called Kevin to let him know that Delia was in remission, and Kevin shared the good news with Billy. After Kevin had left, Victor tracked Billy to his hiding place and informed him that he would personally see to it that Billy left for good this time. Unable to handle the guilt and lying to Chloe, Kevin finally admitted to her that Billy had donated the bone marrow that had saved Delia's life; and told her about the deal that he and Billy had made with the devil - Victor. Chloe, after spending the night being furious with Kevin, spoke to Katherine who reminded her that Kevin had made a lot of stupid choices in his life, but always with the best intentions. So Chloe found Kevin at Gloworm, plucked him out of the clutches of Angelina, (whom she called "Octopus Girl"), and forgave him.
Kevin and Chloe decided to buy a house rather than live so near to either of their families, and Chloe asked Victoria to be her matron of honor. Meanwhile Angelo persuaded Kevin to keep Angelina away from her ex-boyfriend, Carmine, in exchange for the deed to their dream house. Kevin persuaded Angelo to agree to let them go on their honeymoon without Angelina, but Angelo insisted that Angelina would sing at their wedding in return. As Kevin, Chloe, Daniel, and Devon watched Angelina rehearse, all were amazed when her voice turned from bad to beautiful only when she was looking at Kevin. Afterward, Angelina was seen by viewers making a phone call to Carmine, telling him that she needed his help.
Angelo gave Gloria a Christmas gift of Gloworm free and clear. Michael took issue with the contract, but Angelo swore it was legitimate and that they would fix it to Michael's satisfaction. Gloria called Angelo her "Guardian Angelo" and began dating him.
Everyone was waiting at the church for the groom at the Christmas Eve wedding of Kevin and Chloe. Meanwhile, Kevin and Angelina were being shot at in the parking garage leaving Devon's studio. Angelina told Kevin that it was her ex-boyfriend, Carmine, that she was pregnant by him, and how Carmine was insanely jealous of Kevin, whom he suspected was the real father. Angelina convinced Kevin that they had to stay away from the wedding or his family would be in danger from Carmine, and that calling the police or letting her father handle it was not an option. Kevin phoned Chloe and called off the wedding, telling her he needed time to think, with veiled references to keeping her from getting hurt.
Finding out that Carmine was in jail in New Jersey, Angie asked her friend Vinnie to continue to help with her plot. Angie told Kevin that Vinnie was meeting Carmine to convince him that there was nothing going on between her and Kevin so that they could return home. Using her cell phone to check her FacePlace page, Angie was elated to find that Devon had put her song online on ViewClick, that it was getting a lot of hits, and she suddenly had lots of fans. Meanwhile Michael, looking for Kevin, discovered that Kevin's credit card had been used in Niagara Falls to buy lingerie, and Angelo spotted the missing Angie's new FacePlace photo uploaded from there too. Angelo sent his man, Dino, to Niagara Falls. Dino reported to Angelo that he had found Angelina in a motel room with Kevin, so Angelo told Dino to kill Kevin. When Kevin and Angelina spotted Dino in their room, they escaped to Long Island Sound where Kevin fell out of their boat and lost his cell phone on the way to Angelo's cabin on an island there. After they arrived, they discovered Jeffrey who had been marooned there by Angelo. Jeffrey claimed that he had not been the one who wiped out Gloworm's bank account, nor would he have abandoned Gloria. When Kevin and Angelina refused to return to Genoa City with him, he took their boat and left them marooned there in the cold cabin with no food or heat.
During the few minutes Angelina got a signal on her cell phone, she found a photo of Chloe and Daniel kissing, and seeing it made Kevin furious. Angelina later admitted that she had lied, she was not pregnant, that Vinnie was the one who had shot at them, saying that she did it to give them time together so that Kevin would realize that he belonged with her.
Meanwhile, Jeffrey capsized the boat, hit his head and lost his memory, only remembering that he had to get to Genoa City. Back on the island, Kevin and Angelina constructed a raft, and set off. After three days of rowing in Long Island Sound, they finally made it to land, cold and starving, but they discovered themselves right back on the island. Dino had pinged Kevin's lost cell phone to the ocean off Long Island Sound, and had arrived at the cabin before them. Kevin and Angelina gobbled up Dino's abandoned bag of burgers and fries, and when Dino returned and pointed his gun at Kevin, Angelina thought fast and begged Dino not to kill Kevin, telling him that they were going to get married.
Dino took them back to the mainland where they were married by a justice of the peace. On the way back to Genoa City, Angelina tweeted that she and Kevin had been married, so Angelo and Kevin's family were at Gloworm waiting for them with a reception. Kevin played along as Angelo congratulated them, but he looked miserable. He tried and failed to be alone with Michael to explain, and then Chloe and Daniel arrived. Chloe waltzed up to Kevin, slapped him hard across the face, then she and Daniel left without a word.
Kevin went to Chloe the next day to explain everything. But Angelo called during their conversation, threatening to kill Kevin if he didn’t stay married to Angelina, so Kevin left while Chloe was out of the room. Angelo presented the newlyweds with the house next door to his, a tacky place whose former occupant, the elderly Gladys Kravitz, had been a friend to Angelina, giving her a place to escape from "Daddy," and to enjoy baking and watching soap operas together. Kevin was resigned to his fate, but began to see another side to Angelina that was sweet and endearing. Angelina told Kevin that she loved romance novels, especially Jackie Collins, and had always wished her life could be like that, so when she met Kevin she had fallen hard for him. Kevin let Angelina know that although he didn’t reciprocate her feelings for him, he felt that everything would be okay between them, and he forgave her.
Angelina eventually realized how miserable Kevin was without Chloe and finally told Angelo the truth of how she had tricked Kevin into marrying her, how he had gone along with it, and that they were getting a quickie divorce. Meanwhile Kevin told Michael the same, so Michael tracked down the justice of the peace who married them, and convinced her to sign annulment papers.
Angelo asked Gloria to marry him, and she said yes. Witnessing this caused Jeffrey to suddenly get his memory back, and he confronted Angelo alone about his making Jeffrey write the farewell note to Gloria and empty out the Gloworm accounts and cash register, before Angelo had kidnapped Jeffrey and stranded him on the island. Angelo then beat Jeffrey up, bound and gagged him, and locked him in the dumpster. But Jill discovered Jeffrey in the dumpster and let set him free just in time to stop the wedding and tell Gloria everything that Angelo had done to him.
Meanwhile Angelina plotted with Daniel to get Chloe and Kevin alone together so that Kevin could tell her the truth about his abandoning Chloe at the altar and marrying Angelina to protect her, and for Chloe to admit that she still loved Kevin. Kevin ended up asking Chloe to marry him as Jeffrey simultaneously asked Gloria to remarry him. After both said yes, Michael and Jeffrey had a chat with Anglo, and Angelo agreed to legally return Gloworm to Gloria, if they would forget the whole kidnapping and theft. An impromptu double wedding was held at Gloworm for both couples with Katherine Chancellor officiating, and a miffed Angelo and a teary-eyed Angelina looking on. Michael was Kevin's best man, and Victoria Chloe's matron of honor. Chloe was Gloria's maid of honor with Jill as Jeffrey's best (wo)man. Angelina finally realized the power she had over her daddy Angelo, kept him reigned in, and serenaded the wedding party with her newest single, "Good Goodbye," with lyrics written by her about her feelings for Kevin. Afterward Angelina announced that she was moving to Los Angeles to launch her singing career with Angelo as her manager. Everyone hugged Angelina, wished her well, and forgave her, including Chloe, who admitted there was a time when she would have done the same. Angelo and Angelina left town.
Later, Angelina's handsome ex-boyfriend, Carmine, showed up at Gloworm looking for her and threatened Kevin and Chloe. Gloria and Jeffrey, Kevin and Chloe, ended up going to Reno for their honeymoons. Meanwhile, after Eden explained what had happened between Angelina and Kevin, Carmine stayed in Genoa City rather than follow Angelina to Los Angeles. After Chloe and Kevin returned from their honeymoon, Kevin convinced Carmine that his marriage to Angelina was not his fault, and Carmine agreed to leave town. Afterward Chloe got in Carmine's face and made him so mad that he decided to stay just because Chloe wanted him gone.
Kevin convinced Chloe to check out the house he owned and briefly shared with Angelina, and she and Delia fell in love with it, so they decided that after some serious renovation, to move out of the Chancellor estate and live there.
Kevin and Chloe began working together to create a public bulletin board website. Katherine, Abby and Gloria agreed to invest. Concerned that her Swiss bank account was being drained, Genevieve promised Kevin a lot of money to hack in and discover where it was going. He confided in Chloe, and Chloe told Cane who confronted Genevieve about getting Kevin in trouble. They later approached Adam about investing, and they accepted after Adam bowled them over with his offer.
A competing website announced its debut the next day, so rather than wait for the web designer to finish, Kevin threw it together to beat the competition, and both sites premiered on the same day. TagNGrab was free, the other site charged a fee, but both sites began immediate retooling. Chloe got her celebrity contacts to endorse and use TagNGrab, and they asked Phyllis to use the site so fans can see what she was wearing and buying, then buy it themselves, and it would improve her reputation. When Kevin stopped by to talk to Phyllis, she enlisted his help in returning the dead body of Tim Reid to Tim's apartment. When Tim's neighbor/girlfriend Beth heard noises in the hall, Kevin told her that he was an encyclopedia salesman, and she left. Tim was later discovered dead by detective Ronan Malloy. When the police discovered Kevin dumping Phyllis' stained rug in a dumpster, Ronan intervened, the rug disappeared and Kevin was allowed to leave. Just before Beth was to give a deposition naming Kevin as the person she saw outside Tim's door the night he was found dead, she received a plane ticket and cash card in the mail supposedly sent by Tim prior to his death, and Beth disappeared. Kevin finally admitted to Chloe that he had helped Phyllis after Beth identified him, and Chloe was livid. They made up, and Chloe bought home a strange-looking puppy they named Bobby.
TagNGrab continued to be successful, but Kevin and Adam disagreed over each deal with an advertiser, until they finally decided that Adam would handle the business end and Kevin the website. Chelsea and Chloe came up with the idea of Chelsea working at TagNGrab instead of Adam, which made Adam mad that he was not consulted. Then after Adam went to work for Jack as CFO of Newman, he decided it was time to get out of TagNGrab, and sold his share to Tucker McCall who bought out Kevin and Chloe for a less than they had invested. Kevin was devastated by the loss of his dream. Because Kevin had borrowed against his house to finance TagNGrab, he was forced to go to Gloria for a $10,000 loan or the bank would foreclose. Gloria turned him down because Kevin hadn't been there for her when Gloworm burned down or for the family Thanksgiving dinner, plus she had invested all her cash in TagNGrab, and the insurance settlement had yet to come through. So Kevin went to Michael. Michael reluctantly gave Kevin the money for Chloe and Delia's sake, warning him that he was headed down a path where he would probably lose them all. Kevin paid the bank, but was warned that another large balloon payment was due in a month. Desperate for cash, Kevin hacked into TagNGrab's bank account and transferred money into his own. Tucker told Chloe about the illegal transfer from his account, she accused Kevin, so Kevin transferred it back, deciding he'd rather lose his house than Chloe.
Kevin and Chloe received a larger than expected settlement check from Tucker, but they still needed money desperately. After Kevin told her that he had verified that the NYPD detective Chavez who was investigating Noah was looking for half a million dollars, and the reward was enough to bail them out, they began plotting how to find it. Kevin confided in Daniel, and Daniel disapproved, reminding him of the last time they tried to recover some dirty money, and that he could be risking Noah's life. After Kevin backed out, Chloe took the money hidden at Noah's. When Chavez questioned Kevin and Chloe again, Chloe acted very suspicious. Later after making love on a floor covered in money, Chloe decided they could not turn the money in or come under suspicion, so they had to keep it. Chloe and Chelsea came up with a plan to launder the money by using the coffee house as collateral to pay off their house, then paying off the coffee house loan with the stolen money. But after they paid off the house, the stolen money was again stolen from them by Adriana who returned it to her brother Alex.
Still unable to pay their bills, Kevin and Chloe stole box of expensive donations that Katherine was giving to charity and fenced them. Jill accused Adriana of stealing them, she quit, and left town. Alex questioned Kevin about the theft after it was discovered that pieces had been fenced. Kevin admitted to Chloe that he had stolen a bracelet from someone's house which had been left open while they walked their dog. Chloe told Kevin he had gone too far, and they fought, kicking Kevin out of her bed after he called their marriage "not that much". He apologized, but Chloe said she was disenchanted with their marriage, telling Kevin they had to find another way to spice up their love life besides the thrill of stealing.
Six burglaries occurred in the next two weeks, all with the same M.O. stealing cash, jewelry, and small electronics. After Kevin began commenting on the overindulgence of the rich people in Ridgecliff estates, and he began spending money she knew they did not have on lobster and champagne, Chloe got suspicious. She found jewelry in a lockbox at Crimson Lights, and after detective Alex saw it, he arrested Chloe for possession of stolen property. At the police station, Chloe begged Kevin to tell the police where the jewelry came from, but Kevin just stood there having flashbacks to his time of terror in jail. Chloe was released on bail the next morning. Seeing Kevin, she called him a coward, telling him to grow up and face his fears. Kevin confessed and was made to give back what he had stolen and make restitution by doing computer work for the GCPD. Kevin began working with Alex resentfully using his computer hacking skills to help solve cases. Chloe, fed up, got an appraisal on Crimson Lights. When Delia stole a doll from her friend Brianna, Chloe became even more concerned. Dylan McAvoy bought Crimson Lights, and Kevin agreed to stay on to show him the ropes.
Another burglary occurred in the Heights, so Detective Chavez accused Kevin, and searched Crimson Lights and their house but found nothing. Kevin admitted to Chloe that he had done it, and Chloe blew up at him. Though he promised it would never happen again, Chloe left him and moved back into the Chancellor Estate. Kevin begged Chloe to forgive him, but instead she make him give back what he had stolen and work at the homeless shelter so he would see that others are worse off yet don't feel the need to steal.
Alex tested Kevin by setting him up, then asked Kevin why he didn't take the bait. They exchanged some banter about what Kevin hypothetically had done, ending with Kevin handing Alex a recording that he had un-erased which would help Alex solve a case. Alex finally asked if Kevin wasn't tired of being a screw-up and asked him to join the police force and become their tech specialist. Alex's partner Sheryl finally got through to Kevin telling him that if he spent as much time fighting for his family as he did feeling sorry for himself, he would already have his family back, and Kevin accepted the job.
Delia suddenly had a very high fever, and Chloe took her to the hospital. She called Delia's father, Billy. After Kevin found out, he arrived to find Billy and Chloe comforting each other awaiting test results hoping the Delia had not had a relapse of her leukemia. Kevin left, upset that no one had cared to call him. Later Delia's fever dropped and she was declared to be fine.
Kevin continued to be invaluable to the GCPD by using his computer and GPS tracking skills. He helped to find Lauren after she had been kidnapped by Carmine, but got in trouble when he engineered a distraction to allow Michael to escape police custody to rescue her.
After the death of Katherine Chancellor, Kevin and Chloe were invited at her request to a celebration of her life. Days later when Katherine's will was read, Kevin, who had been daydreaming about becoming rich was bequeathed a skeleton key in hopes that "no door would ever hold him in as in the past and would finally unlock the secret to his happiness."
Seven-year-old Delia was cast as the wicked witch of the west in the school play of The Wizard of Oz. Billy and Chloe enjoyed helping Delia rehearse her lines, and she was a natural little 'ham'. Billy even surprised them both with a dog in the likeness of "Toto" to enhance her part. Due to its love to escape, the dog was named Dash, and went home to live with Billy and Victoria. The night of the play came, and Delia was a hit, getting a standing ovation from the crowd. Afterward, Chloe and Kevin began their reconciliation by catching a late movie of their favorite "Pretty In Pink", and Victoria waited at home with a party for the arrival of Billy, Delia, and Dash. Billy stopped to pick up ice cream, leaving Delia and Dash in the car. But when Delia let Dash out of the car to relieve himself, he ran across the road. Delia ran after him, and was stuck by a car. The driver, who was Adam Newman, had seen the dog and swerved, then stopped; but relieved to see the dog was fine, he drove on. Billy found the car door open and discovered Delia beside the road. Although she had not spoken or moved, Delia was still alive when ambulance arrived, but later died from extensive injuries. Once Chloe found out that her best friend Chelsea's baby, Conner, needed a cornea transplant, she agreed to donate Delia's. The transplant was successful and Conner was able to see thanks to Delia.
The day of the funeral, Chloe and Billy united to honor their daughter, while Adam stood outside the chapel door, guilt-ridden. The Abbott, Newman, Chancellor, and Winters families attended. Chloe read the poem that Delia had written for Katherine's funeral "Being Free", and she placed Pinkerton Pony with Delia so that he could watch over her as she slept. Delia was eulogized as a "beautiful bubble of giggles and joy." Afterward Jill and Esther held a tea party at the Chancellor estate in Delia's honor where the guests all wore red boas and fancy hats, and a cup of tea was placed for Delia as well.
Kevin was there for Chloe, and they began spending nights back at their place so he could comfort her. Both were frustrated that the police had not found the hit and run driver, and Kevin was working overtime trying to help. But Chavez decided that Kevin was too close to the case and refused to let him help.
Kevin discovered the Chloe had added pages for Conner to the back of Delia's baby book including a birth announcement, hair from his first haircut, etc. Chloe walked in as he confided in Esther his concern for Chloe. Kevin accused Chloe of being obsessed with Conner, warning her that she was only going to get hurt. Chloe claimed that Conner eased her pain. Chloe declared their relationship over, saying she did not want to be dependant on him, and needed to stand on own.
Once they were split up, Chavez let Kevin help with the Delia hit and run case again. Kevin began working a tip from a supposed witness trying to find the driver with clues that the car was a black SUV with a license plate starting with "G", which turned up nothing. He decided to try a "6" instead and while they waited for the results, Kevin hunted down the IP address of the suspicious anonymous poster who had been conversing with Billy about the accident online. Paul received the license plate results at the same time that Kevin found the IP, and both contained the name Adam Newman. When police were sent to arrest Adam, they found only Victor at his penthouse, so an APB was put out on him. Kevin told Chloe, who went crazy over the news. And Nick and Victoria arrived looking for Billy whom they suspected had figured it out himself and gone after Adam with his gun. Paul and Nick told them all later how they had gone searching for them and found Adam's SUV upside-down in a ravine. A witness had told them that one man had gotten out and disappeared. The other man was trapped inside and they had failed to pull him out, but they had gotten to safety before the SUV started on fire and exploded. Later the fire department reported that the SUV had melted the ice and slid down the ravine into the river, so finding any human remains had become unlikely. Billy turned up badly bruised at home, and Adam was presumed dead.
At the Delia Project Valentine's Day benefit, Lily unveiled the antique snow queen doll which was to be auctioned, but the case was empty. Lily spotted a stranger, Richard Womack, heading for the door with it under his coat. When she grabbed for the doll, it broke, and diamonds showered onto the floor. Womack pulled a gun, and held everyone hostage. Devon triggered a silent alarm, and Paul, Detective Mark Harding, and the rest of the police arrived outside the locked ballroom. Womack made Lily pick up the diamonds from the floor and made Abby collect the cell phones, but Kevin kept his and called Paul so the police could hear what was going on.
Jack made Womack a deal to call his private jet if he would let the hostages go. Then Neil, Tyler, Devon, and Cane staged an argument to get the drop on Womack. Tyler knocked out Womack's accomplice with a champagne bottle, whose gun flew across the floor. Paul shut off the ballroom lights just as they scrambled for the gun, but Colin had caught it under his foot. When Jack's plane was ready, Womack let everyone go but Lily. Cane begged to replace Lily, Lily hit Womack's arm, the gun went off, and Cane was shot. Colin jumped out from where he had been hiding, his gun on Womack, while Lily and Cane escaped. Womack was killed as he and Colin struggled over the gun.
Kevin arrived at Chelsea's to find that Chloe had kidnapped Conner, had stolen Conner's and Chelsea's passports, and was on her way to Paris. Taking Victor's private jet, they found them in Paris, and Kevin convinced Chloe to give up Conner to Chelsea and return with them, where Chloe was arrested for kidnapping. Michael helped her cut a deal for outpatient treatment and living under a relative's legal responsibility, instead of jail. Not wanting to live with her only relative, Esther, Chloe turned it down. But Kevin lovingly proposed that they remarry, and they did with Michael and Lauren as witnesses. But Chloe disappointed Kevin by showing no interest in him. And after Chloe went berserk cutting up the showstopper gown at Chelsea's fashion show, Kevin told Chloe that he was sorry that he married her, that he had hoped he could fix her, just as marrying her had fixed him.
When it was discovered that Chloe was trying to trick Billy into making her pregnant so she could have another Delia, the family staged an intervention. But Chloe found out and disappeared. Kevin tracked her to their favorite movie theater, they had a heart to heart about their relationship and her problems, and Chloe agreed to being admitted to Fairview. But Chloe decided that she needed to get away from all the reminders of Delia, so was admitted to a facility in California. She asked Kevin to make love to her the night before, said goodbye to everyone, and left for California. Sadly, a week later, Kevin received a text from Chloe telling him to move on with his life, and that she would not be returning. Kevin was ready to go to California to bring her back, claiming the doctors were messing with her head, but Michael and Lauren convinced him to give Chloe some time. Kevin left them and threw a fit in the elevator. Later, Kevin went to California and broke into the facility to see Chloe, got caught, and was questioned by police, but Michael got him released with no charges.
But back on the job, Kevin was instrumental in cracking another case. Attorney, Avery Bailey Clark, reported that she was being harassed by a stalker on the Internet, and it had escalated making her afraid. Kevin began trying to get the user's IP address legally, but when Dylan reported that Avery had disappeared, Kevin used his illegal methods finding the IP and tracking it to a phone. Calling the phone, it rang in Dylan's pocket – the phone that had been left behind in Avery's apartment. Kevin tracked Avery's cell to an apartment, and Dylan took off to rescue her. Dylan arrived by way of the fire escape and jumped Austin. As they wrestled for Austin's gun, Paul and the police arrived, the gun went off, and Paul was shot in the gut. Austin escaped. Paul was taken to the hospital, and with severe liver damage, was not expected to live. But a partial liver transplant from Dylan saved Paul's life.
Billy talked Kevin into investigating Ben Rayburn, and Kevin discovered that Ben and Kelly were actually brother and sister. Kevin had more information, but Billy decided it was time to grow up and not hear any more, and he left. But Chelsea wanted to know more. Kevin got Chelsea to admit that she cared about Billy. Kevin told Chelsea that he had discovered in high school and college transcripts from Ben's medical school records that the real Ben Rayburn had died after high school graduation, and that the man they knew as Ben had taken his identity when he joined the army, and was still using his social security number. Kevin and Chelsea continued digging into Ben's past and discovered that the real Ben Rayburn had lived in Chesterfield, MO. and attended Chesterfield high school. Ben's obituary read: Born 1978 – died 1996, son of Mari and Earnest, sister Angela. Grandparents Martin and Hazel Weaver and Diane and Vincent Rayburn. An accompanying photo showed him to be dark-haired and slender-faced, unlike Stitch. Kevin researched further, and discovered Ben's birth name was Ben Russell and that Ben had killed his own father. Since Chelsea was falling for Billy, she declined to give him the information. But Billy discovered the high school yearbook at Chelsea's showing Ben Rayburn and Ben Russell, and got her to admit all that she and Kevin knew about Ben. He then confronted Ben with it.
Kevin, lonely and drinking in a bar, called Chloe and left her a message about how much he missed her, but it would be his last, that he was letting her go.
Kevin stole Dr. Shelby's ID badge and accessed Ben's hospital personnel record. Shelby reported it stolen and Det. Harding found it in Kevin's desk. But charges were dropped after Michael argued there was insufficient evidence to make a case. Michael lectured Kevin that after losing Delia and Chloe, he was making excuses to give himself permission to misbehave. Michael told Lauren that Kevin thinks he is the "Robin Hood of the Internet" righting wrongs for the greater good. Kevin did not show up at work the next day, and literally ran into Mariah Copeland at the coffee house. Exchanging barbs about each other's clumsiness, Kevin was shocked at how much she resembled Cassie Newman. Comparing their bad days, they agreed that both their lives were cursed, as they quoted from the book The Kingdom Beyond, remarking how they had both escaped reality as kids by reading it.
Kevin received divorce papers from Chloe, but refused to sign them. Sure that Chloe was being manipulated by her shrink, he vowed to fight it, even if he had have her declared incompetent. But Michael talked him into giving in. Kevin signed, bought a Harley motorcycle, and he and Mariah decided to disappear together on it, but she never showed up. Mariah was later reported abducted by Ian Ward, and Kevin sprang into action to help the police find her. After she was rescued, Mariah still wanted to leave town, Kevin was no longer interested in going, but she made Kevin happy saying she needed him as a friend. Kevin and Mariah developed a fun rapport, and Mariah asked him to attend the wedding of Sharon and Nick with her.
Chloe secretly returned to Genoa City on a twenty-four hour pass for the first anniversary of Delia's death. After the service which was held by school children, Kevin discovered Chloe at the memorial by the roadside where Delia had died. Chloe apologized to Kevin, saying that Delia would not have been proud of her the way she had treated Kevin, and that she loved him, but not the way he wanted. When she was well, she would start over, but not in Genoa City or with Kevin, because she had nothing left to give him. Viewers later saw that Chloe had been hiding a pregnancy, a child that could be Kevin's or Billy's.
Kevin began secretly writing online fan fiction under the pseudonym "Plato Sphere".
Michael was diagnosed with cancer. Kevin got it out of him, and tried to persuade him to tell Lauren or Kevin would. Instead, Kevin showed up at Michael's consultation with a specialist where he found out that Michael had prostate cancer. After Michael showed up too late for his and Lauren's anniversary party, Kevin told them that if Michael did not tell Lauren what was going on, he would. So while Michael told Lauren about his cancer, Kevin confided the same to Mariah. In the heat of the moment, they kissed, and neither knew how to react. Kevin was amused when Mariah began quoting Plato Sphere to him. They agreed to go to the New Year's Eve party at The Underground, but Mariah made it clear, there would be no more kissing. But when midnight came, Mariah grabbed and kissed Kevin.
Kevin went looking for Mariah on her birthday, finding her at The Underground where she had walked up to Austin and kissed him. Summer walked in and saw it, and Kevin got Mariah out of there. Kevin told Mariah he knew that she was scared that no one was ever going to love her, and advised her to stop chasing people like Austin and Tyler who were never going to love her and go after something real.
Kevin became a hero when his research exposed Victor as the owner of GEROLAMO Ltd. who intended to demolish the warehouse district, which would put Dylan's Crimson Lights out of business.
Faith's custody trial was held and Nick got full custody thanks in part to Mariah telling the truth. Sharon accused her of being a traitor, Mariah moved out, and in with Kevin on a "just friends" basis.
Noah, Kevin, Mariah, Summer, Austin, and Fenmore each received unsigned invitations to a Valentine Day party at Abbott cabin. After they arrived, they deduced that Abby was the hostess since she was the only Abbott there. Abby admitted that she had not wanted to be alone, and that they would never have come had they known. The group played a drinking game, "Never have I Ever", but when someone said "committed murder", Austin left the room upset. He told Summer it had reminded him of his mother. Courtney arrived, telling them that a snowstorm had closed the road behind her. Fen put a party drug in the punch which knocked everyone out, and they woke up to find Austin missing. They opened an armoire, and Austin's body fell out with blood on his head. Courtney tried to revive him, but declared him dead. Noah hugged a distraught Summer who suddenly remembered that she had hidden a brass bookend behind a sofa cushion, pulled it out, and screamed when she saw blood on it. Summer feared that she had killed Austin, but they reminded her that she could not have picked him up and stuffed him in the armoire. It was mentioned that fanfic writer Plato Sphere had recently written a similar murder story. Kevin admitted that he was writing as Plato Sphere in defending that they were not at all the same.
Noah, Mariah, and Kevin suggested a cover-up to protect Summer. Courtney refused to be a part of it, as it would make her a dirty cop, but they talked her into it. The guys put Austin's body outside in the snow as if he had fallen, and his blood on a nearby rock. Mariah suddenly remembered seeing Austin and Abby kissing earlier. She confronted Abby who admitted the kiss, but swore that nothing had been going on between them. Mariah pointed out that if Summer had seen them, it would have been a perfect motive. Courtney called the police but lost the cell signal before she could tell them why. Fen went out to get a ladder to support their story, and discovered Austin's body was gone. When the police arrived, they were told that Kevin had fallen from the roof trying to shovel off the deep snow, Austin had gone for help, but had never come back. As the group left for town, they wondered if Austin was really dead, or if someone else had killed him and taken the body. The sheriff thought they had located Austin alive, trapped in a ravine, but it turned out to be Kyle who had come up to surprise them. Kevin, Mariah and Noah discovered a bloody towel hanging out of the trunk of Kyle's car. Disbelieving Kyle's excuse of a bloody nose, Noah asked Kevin to get the blood analyzed. Later that night, police broke the news to Summer that they had found Austin dead behind the wheel of a wrecked car, and Summer identified the body in the morgue.
Noah, Abby, Kyle, Mariah and Kevin comforted Summer as she watched Austin's videos on his laptop. One was of Austin telling Summer that rather than roses and candy Valentines, he needed to give her an apology. Saying that he did not like himself much lately, there was something she needed to know. But he never finished, as Summer had interrupted him. Kevin and Mariah left after receiving a text that the blood results were back. The blood was Austin's.
During Austin's memorial service, Summer suddenly remembered an argument she had witnessed while drugged that night at the cabin. Austin and Abby were admitting they were having an affair, and Austin wanting to tell Summer. After Summer thanked everyone for giving Austin a second chance, she glared at Abby and shouted, "YOU slept with my husband!" All eyes turned to Abby, who was mortified and ran out.
Summer and her friends returned to the cabin following Austin's memorial service. The armoire was opened to reveal "I know what happened here" written in lipstick on the mirror inside. Abby and Summer realized that Austin had been using both of them to get dirt on the Newmans and Abbotts for his exposé.
After viewing some of Austin's videos that Kevin unencrypted from his laptop, they became convinced that they were being watched by someone who had murdered Austin because of some secret in his documentary they did not want exposed. It was later discovered that Austin had interviewed Sharon who had divulged a Newman family secret, and he had also interviewed Ben. Austin had deleted an interview with Jack in Chancellor Park, so Courtney and Kevin tried to check the park surveillance for that night in the police computer system, got caught, and Kevin was suspended.
Due to Austin's death, Noah began to realize that Courtney was the best thing to ever happen to him, and surprised her with a marriage proposal. The wedding was arranged for Chancellor Park, with Summer and Nick standing up for them. On the way, Courtney stopped at the police department and watched the video surveillance of Jack. When Courtney did not show up at the wedding, Noah received a mysterious text asking Noah to meet Courtney at the Abbott cabin. Then all in their group got the same message. Meanwhile, a black gloved hand was seen inserting a memory stick into a CGPD computer which caused a virus to shut down the entire system, and Avery found Courtney's phone in a waste basket there. The group found Courtney dead in her wedding gown in the armoire at the cabin. A note in her hand said, "I warned you. Stop digging." Paul and the police showed up, and the group had to admit that Austin had been murdered to explain Courtney's. Paul interviewed each and was appalled that none had come forward about Austin's murder, but understood that they had been threatened. No one in the group was arrested, but were told to keep their mouths shut, so the murderer would assume the police still thought Austin's death had been an accident.
Fen suddenly returned from college and gathered his friends who were involved in the murder at the cabin. He admitted that prior to Austin's murder, he had been about to flunk a class, hacked into the college computers, and gave himself a passing grade so he could still get into law school. Fen had received an anonymous text blackmailing him into picking up a package containing the drug to spike the punch. Paul traced the DNA from the package to a wanted criminal named Marco Annicelli who used to head a South American drug cartel. The FBI got involved, and claimed the DNA did not match.
Abby, Summer and Kyle visited Tobias Gray in the hospital after he had crashed his car, asking why he was following them and what he knew about the murders. Tobias said, "You need to know...Austin..." and died. Meanwhile, Kevin and Mariah snuck into Tobias' place where they found a 3D printer, fingerprint molds, and the stolen GCPD hard drives. Kevin turned in an anonymous tip, but told Paul that he thought everything had been planted by the real killer. The FBI stepped in and matched the DNA originally thought to be Marco's, to Tobias. Paul closed the case, so Kevin leaked his theory to GC Buzz who published it. To keep it viable, Mariah secretly posted as the killer, "Catch me if you can or watch me get away with murder." Kevin was arrested for obstruction.
Kevin returned to work from suspension just in time to work on the case of Jack Abbott being shot. In watching the Crimson Lights security videos, he became suspicious when he saw Jack pass the camera twice in too short a time. Kevin became convinced that Austin and Courtney's deaths somehow involved Jack.
Abby, Summer and Kyle visited Tobias Gray in the hospital after he had crashed his car, asking why he was following them and what he knew about the murders. Tobias said, "You need to know...Austin..." and died. Meanwhile, Kevin and Mariah snuck into Tobias' place where they found a 3D printer, fingerprint molds, and the stolen GCPD hard drives. Kevin turned in an anonymous tip, but told Paul that he thought everything had been planted by the real killer. The FBI stepped in and matched the DNA originally thought to be Marco's, to Tobias. Paul closed the case, so Kevin leaked his theory to GC Buzz who published it. To keep it viable, Mariah secretly posted as the killer, "Catch me if you can or watch me get away with murder." Kevin was arrested for obstruction. A young Hispanic woman named Marisa showed up in town, the former girlfriend Of Marco, but she claimed he was dead at the bottom of Lake Delaney. Mariah and Kevin decided to check, but found the car with no one inside. After Kevin exposed Marisa's connection to Marco, the police questioned her and got a composite sketch of Marco.
After Paul had a minor heart attack and took a leave of absence, Detective Harding took over the case. Kevin told Paul that he was working on a theory, and not to trust Harding. Later Summer told Kevin, that upon hearing Harding's ringtone, she recalled hearing that same ringtone and seeing Harding in the cabin the night of Austin's murder. Paul asked Dylan to help him investigate Harding. When they heard that Marco had been spotted in Victor's office, they arrived to find Marco gone and Harding shot in the arm. After hearing Summer's story, Noah found Harding on the GCAC rooftop and accused him of killing Austin and Courtney. Harding pulled a gun on Noah, but Dylan intervened, as Kevin and the gang watched via surveillance cameras. Harding admitted he had been paid to keep secrets, not to kill anyone. Paul arrived, and Harding warned Paul to let him go or he would kill Dylan. Paul was about to lay down his gun when Dylan jumped Harding, his gun went off, and Harding was killed. The GCPD closed the case. Not satisfied, Kevin was still digging into Marco's connection.
Kevin and Mariah lamented on how they had become an old married couple without any of the perks, admitting they were afraid to take their relationship further, feeling it was hopeless, that no relationships ever work. But they decided to finally have their first date, which ended up being babysitting for Faith when pregnant Sage was admitted to the hospital with Nick at her side. Mariah made the first move, booked a hotel room, enticed Kevin with sexy lingerie, and they finally slept together. But neither was impressed, and they decided to just remain friends.
Victor Newman consulted Kevin about Paragon possibly mounting a cyberattack, offering him a side job. Kevin accepted, assuring Victor that he knew he was a scary man, and wouldn't dare cross him. Kevin found a hacker had attempted to enter the gate of the Newman system during Katherine's two-year memorial, knowing that it would be the perfect opportunity, and may have caused the blackout which affected every building but Newman. Victor cautioned Kevin to share nothing with Jabot. He was reluctant, but Mariah told him from her experience to do exactly as Victor said.
Chloe showed up for the memorial of the second anniversary of Delia's death, following Adam's exposure as still alive and after plastic surgery, posing as Gabriel Bingham. The family had planted a gingko tree in Chancellor Park in Delia's honor. Adam had crashed the ceremony trying to apologize and explain, and with everyone yelling at him to leave, Chloe approached. Chloe spat, "You may have a different face, but you are still the same insincere bastard you have always been." Chloe pulled a gun on him. Billy and Esther begged Chloe not to shoot, but Adam asked her to please do it, admitting that it was exactly what he deserved. Chelsea got between them, reminding her best friend that Delia had been forgiving and compassionate and would want Adam to live. Kevin was able to take the gun from Chloe to turn in to the police, and they left together.
Adam testified at his trial explaining how the accident had happened, how a dog had dashed out in front of his car, he had stopped to see if it was okay, then driven on. Adam took full responsibility, but swore he had not known that Delia had been stuck, and was so sorry. The next day Billy broke down on the stand, saying that he shared responsibility for not taking better care of Delia asking the jury to forgive Adam. The jury quickly reached a guilty verdict. At sentencing Kevin asked, on his step daughter Delia's behalf, that they punish Adam to fullest extent of the law. Jack asked for leniency. Adam was sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. But as Adam was being escorted from the jail he was intentionally struck by a white sedan. Suffering with internal injuries, Adam was taken into surgery and recovered.
Chloe went to the underground looking for Kevin. Mariah called Kevin, but Chloe knocked her out from behind with a bottle over the head, and fled. Chloe went to Esther asking for money and a car, admitting that she had been the hit and driver who tried to kill Adam, but Esther refused. Chelsea wouldn't let Chloe leave, although she protested that she needed to go, to be with her daughter. Kevin walked in, and Chloe convinced him that she thought Delia was still alive. The police arrived and took Chloe away.
The annual Delia Halloween costume party benefit was held at Top of the Tower, and everyone attended. Kevin and Mariah decided to take care of the costumed children on a lower floor. While Nick was there visiting the kids, a fire broke out on the floors between them and their parents. All three heroically managed to walk the children down the stairwell and out the front door of the building with minimal excitement by making it a game.
Kevin returned from Geneva excited about a young woman he had met named Natalie, described as a genius whose ideas (including a failsafe way to keep out hackers called Pass Key) were going to change the world. Kevin taunted Mariah that her reaction to Natalie was jealousy, which she denied. Billy overheard them discussing the project, and wanted to invest, but Kevin turned him down. Then when Natalie finally contacted Kevin, needing a million dollars to finance the project, on Mariah's suggestion, Kevin asked Billy to invest two million. Billy tried to win the money by betting on a horse but lost. When the bookie could not get his money out of Billy, he beat him up and left him passed out in the parking garage New Years Eve, and he later went into a coma. At the party upstairs Kevin and Mariah kissed at midnight, but she refused to discuss it the next day. Both Victor and Jack approached Kevin about investing in his project, he turned them both down. Victor tried to sway Kevin with a champagne lunch. For a moment Kevin had visions of being rich and successful with a foosball table in his big private office with his portrait hanging on the wall like Victor's. But he told Victor that what he really wanted to become was a man who could say no to Victor Newman. And he did. But after Billy was taken off life support, Kevin gave in and made a deal with Victor.
Then Natalie arrived, admitting she had already taken money from another investor, who was having her followed, asking Kevin to hide her out. Kevin commented on the irony of them hacking her computer being how they knew that her security software was not working and they were after her. Kevin told Natalie that Victor's son Adam was being held for ransom to be exchanged for "the girl", so Natalie went to Victor, telling him that she was the girl they wanted. Natalie inadvertently disclosed that Kevin had bilked Victor out of an extra million dollars for himself, so Victor informed Kevin that he was no longer part of the deal. Kevin manned up and told Billy, who had come out his coma, that he had made a deal with Victor but it had backfired on him.
Kevin realized Natalie had sabotaged her own program to fail for Victor. After Victor fired her, she told him that the second investor had been Phyllis, and she had been working for her and Billy all along. Newman sued, and Summer was pressured by Kevin, Mariah, and Natalie to not testify that they had conspired to double deal Pass Key between Billy and Victor. Summer lied to the police, but later felt guilty and told Victoria the truth, which led to Jack and Victoria agreeing to share profits from Pass Key. Kevin and Natalie made a killing, but Mariah was left out. Mariah became resentful and jealous as Natalie got a makeover and Kevin became interested in Natalie, and she moved out. Kevin bought a suit and a 1968 Stingray, and put the rest of his money into a hedge fund. Natalie invited Kevin to live it up on champagne and caviar, they began enjoying each other and kissed. Natalie got drunk, so Kevin helped her to her room, where she tried but failed to seduce him. But they later became lovers, and Natalie moved in with him. Natalie booked an African safari, but after Jack experienced identity theft, Pass Key's future was threatened unless she fixed it.
Another oil spill occurred in Newfoundland due to a valve being opened remotely. Victoria hired Kevin to hack into her computer, and he found evidence that the intruder had been Natalie. Everyone agreed that this had also been a setup by Victor. Kevin and Natalie hacked into the prison security cameras and discovered a woman with a long dark wig had been working with Victor. They ended up sleuthing on all of Victor's machinations while in prison working for Adam and the police, who were turning a blind eye.
Kevin was shocked to see Chloe back in town. They talked, she claimed to be released and cured, no longer seeking revenge toward Adam. But Chloe left abruptly, so Kevin got her hotel info from Esther, went there and met her daughter Bella, whom Chloe claimed was not his. Kevin insisted on a DNA test. The DNA test showed that Kevin was not Bella's father. Kevin broke up with Natalie, and asked Mariah to help him get back with Chloe. Kevin finally convinced Chloe to go on a date, and they ended up in bed afterward. Kevin was always there for Chloe, understanding her quirkiness and often with Bella. After Chloe and Chelsea had a disagreement, Chloe suggested Kevin ask her to move in with him again, and she accepted. Chloe became distraught when she walked in on Kevin packing up her things, but she did move in. They became their old playful, teasing, and loving selves. And Kevin was great with Bella.
Gloria returned to town, fresh from her breakup with Jeffrey in France, where he had finally lost all their money, and Sharon had taken Gloria's job in her absence. After one night with Michael and Lauren, Michael checked Gloria into the athletic club, then told Kevin it was his turn to keep her. But Gloria was nasty to Chloe because she had broken Kevin's heart in the past.
Kevin's old friend Scott Grainger, who was also Lauren's journalist son, was being held captive in the middle east. Victor paid the ten million dollar ransom, arranged for Kevin to act as courier, and Scott was rescued. Chloe began to see Kevin in a new light. Kevin and Chloe found their old mojo and Kevin asked her to marry him again. Chloe said yes, Chelsea whipped up the perfect gown, and a quick wedding commenced with Michael as best man, and Chelsea stood up for her best friend Chloe, with Bella tossing rose petals down the aisle. But when rings were about to be exchanged, Chloe suddenly ran from the room, and Chelsea followed. A while later, Father Todd announced that the wedding was off. Kevin and Father Todd found Chelsea unconscious on the floor and Chloe missing. When Chelsea came to, she told them that she had found Adam's ring in Chloe's dresser drawer and had substituted if for the one Chloe intended to give Kevin, proving Nick's theory that Chloe had murdered Adam a year ago. Chloe had admitted it when confronted by Chelsea, then knocked Chelsea out and fled. Kevin was devastated and in disbelief. Chloe left a note for Kevin saying she was in trouble and had to leave, that Kevin always brought out the best in her, but she was not good enough for him. A few days later, both Kevin and Billy received at note from Chloe telling each that they may be Bella's father. A DNA test confirmed that Kevin was. Kevin decided that Bella would live with him, and Esther was very happy about it.
Chelsea and Nick tracked Chloe down. But Chelsea discovered Chloe unconscious, Harris pronounced her dead, and both Chelsea and later Kevin were devastated. A private funeral was held with Father Todd officiating. Bella was included. Chelsea was not invited, and when she and Nick showed up, Kevin went off on them, accusing them of causing her death, and turned them away. Kevin stayed afterward to say goodbye, the coffin opened and Chloe sat up alive. Kevin passed out. Chloe briefly explained and passed him a note with an address to meet her. Harris managed to get Chloe back to his home in Marshall, Louisiana. Meanwhile Kevin made plans to rescue her from Harris including packing a gun, telling everyone he was going to get away to Tahiti, and leaving Bella behind with Esther.
Kevin arrived at Harris' who was upset that Chloe had told anyone she was still alive. Chloe and Kevin were determined to be together, so Harris agreed to let them stay there with him, locking them in when he would leave. Kevin realized he needed to return to Genoa City before they started to search for him. He plotted with Chloe to pick up Bella, and return and get her, telling Harris they were all going to stay with him. Harris refused to let Kevin take his phone which was locked in the safe. On the way to the airport, Kevin had a flat tire, then when he started the car again, he escaped just before the car blew up. Kevin, looking like the walking dead, made his way back to Harris' just after Chloe had clubbed Harris over the head with a champagne bottle, had caught her escaping out the door, and knocked her out with an injection. Kevin, looking like the walking dead, walked in the door, struggled with Harris, and Harris' gun went off. Kevin tied up Harris and leaving the gun behind, stole his car and left with Chloe.
Kevin returned home, telling everyone that he and Bella were moving to Oregon to get a new start away from the haunting memories of Chloe. Back at their motel, Chloe confessed that Victor had been behind it all, and her fear that he would find them. Kevin made Chloe her fake ID and birth certificate, and she chose the very common name of Helen Jones. Meanwhile Harris escaped his bonds and called Victor. Victor tracked them down, but admitted to them he had as much to lose if Chloe were found, and let them leave. Kevin proposed on bended knee to "Helen Jones", knowing they couldn't make it official but promising to always take care of her and Bella.
Victor coerced Kevin to return to Genoa City for a few days to hack into Nick’s bank account and drain it, taking back the trust fund Nick had won from Victor. Nick notified the bank, and the money was returned. Having seen Kevin back in town, Nick assumed that Kevin had done it, but did not implicate Kevin, knowing Victor must had had something on him. Bella got to spend some time with Esther, and Kevin surprised Mariah, who confided in him about her feelings for Tessa. He encouraged her to tell Tessa how she felt, hugged her goodbye and returned to Oregon.
By December 2017, Kevin and Bella returned to Genoa City to spend Christmas at the Chancellor estate. Nikki, having discovered what Victor had done to Nick, paid Kevin to do an online transfer from Victor’s account to her offshore account. But after the FBI seized all Newman assets, and it looked like the transfer would be exposed, Nikki warned Kevin to go back to Oregon so he would not be implicated.
In February 2018, Sharon convinced Kevin to give her the GCPD password so she could obtain the DNA record for Adam Newman. She used it to prove that Christian Newman was Adam’s son, not Nick’s.
In 2019, Adam Newman was found in Las Vegas working as a professional gambler, going by the name “Spider”. Kevin heard about it and moved Chloe and Bella to another city. But back in Genoa City, Adam opened the door to leave and was shut in the gut, by Chloe. When Adam recovered, he had Chloe kidnapped. Kevin came looking for her, and had to make a deal with Adam to help him get custody of his son Christian away from Nick, to get Chloe freed. Adam let Chloe know this trying to kill him had to end. One of them would end up dead, and either way, Bella is the one who would suffer. Chloe would lose Bella just like Delia. They called a truce. Before Chloe returned to Portland, Kevin broke it to Michael, and she broke it to her mother, Esther, that she was still alive. Esther agreed to keep her secret, but returned with her to Portland, and packed her bags. Chloe also let Billy know she was alive, meeting him at Delia’s grave.
Adam coerced Kevin into working for him, or he would expose Chloe. Kevin found photos to blackmail the judge in Adam’s custody case and footage of Nick posing as J.T. to use against him in court. But once Michael discovered what was going on, he took Kevin’s place as Adam’s minion and sent Kevin back to Portland to be with his family. As part of his plan, Michael was elected DA, and he had Chloe arrested for arson of the cabin she blew up. Chloe pled temporary insanity due to the death of her daughter. Adam could claim Chloe shot him but no one would believe him because he ID'd the guy who confessed. Chloe and Kevin thanked Michael who enjoyed the satisfaction of putting one over on Adam. They promised to stay out of trouble and they and Bella moved into the Chancellor estate with Esther.
Chelsea was shocked to run into Kevin and Chloe casually hanging out at Crimson Lights. She realized that Chloe had obviously faked her death, and lit into her for doing that to her best friend. Chloe apologized, saying it was the only way to avoid prison for the murder of Adam. That she was not in her right mind with grief over Delia, and she knew now that she was not going to let Adam ruin her life again by attempting to hurt him. Chelsea later decided to forgive Chloe and be friends again, giving her a marketing position at the Grand Phoenix Hotel. Later, although Kevin and Chloe had vowed to Michael to stay clean, Chelsea gave Kevin suitcases of cash promising him 10% of everything he laundered. Kevin put it in an offshore account. But when Chelsea needed it later to pay off Simon Black, he discovered that the Feds had investigated that bank, and seized all its assets. To help her out with Simon, Chloe and Kevin posed as Federal agents, but Black saw right through them.
Chloe figured out that Billy was going to lure Adam to the site of Delia’s death and kill him by running Adam down with a stolen car. Chloe stepped between the speeding car and Adam, pushing him out of the way. Adam took off, not knowing who had helped him or tried to kill him. Chloe and Kevin hid Billy out at the Chancellor boat house where Chloe splinted Billy’s ankle. When Billy came to, Kevin gave him an injection that knocked him out again. When Chloe explained to Billy why they were hiding him out, he did not remember attempting to murder Adam at all. Chloe convinced Kevin to let her try to convince Billy to get some help for his obsession. They sent a text to the Abbotts from Billy’s phone telling them not to worry about him, that he had gone back to rehab. Chloe brought Victoria to Billy and explained what had happened. It turned out that Billy was experiencing a dissociative fugue, becoming another person to do things he knew were wrong. Victoria saw Billy become that other person, a gum-chewing thug, but through her love, helped him fight off his demons. Billy and Victoria left together, and Billy began seeing a therapist who further helped him get rid of his alter-ego. Kevin managed to talk Paul into giving him his old job back.
Kevin and Chloe arranged a 2019 holiday get-together to announce that they were pregnant. Young Bella popped in and spoiled their news. Esther already knew and was elated. Lauren and Michael were thrilled for them. Later an untrasound revealed the baby was a boy. Kevin admitted to Chloe that he was concerned about passing on the legacy of Terrible Tom to a boy child of his. Chloe assured him that he was a wonderful father to Bella, as he had been to Delia, and would be to their baby boy. Everyone gathered at the Chancellor estate for a big baby shower. The night of a big storm, Chloe went into labor too early, but it turned out to be Braxton Hicks. Chloe was put on bedrest, with Kevin and Esther waiting on her hand and foot. Esther went crazy buying stuff for the baby. Chloe was hugely pregnant when she finally delivered their baby boy on October 5th, 2020. Kevin chose the name Miles Mitchell after a neighbor who rescued him as a child from Terrible Tom many times. They found a house and moved out of the Chancellor estate. Abby and Chance had gotten married and moved in, plus later Mariah and Tessa, Gloria showed up in town again and also moved into the estate. They were relieved to be living on their own, but Gloria moved with them too.
Michael began working for Victor again and disappeared. Weeks later Kevin arrived with a disheveled Michael in tow, having met him in San Diego. Michael told how he was imprisoned on a trumped-up charge in Peru arranged by Ashland Locke, but Michael had given a guard legal advice for which he repaid him by letting him escape with his passport and wallet returned. Michael flew to San Diego, got to a phone and called Kevin to meet him there. Lauren was so relieved but forbade him to work for Victor again. But Michael was still plotting with Victor to get Ashland to leave town, and for Michael to get revenge for having him thrown in a Peruvian prison
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