* Anthony Addabbo out as Dimitri | All My Children on Soap Central

Anthony Addabbo out as Dimitri

by Originally Posted Friday, June 01, 2001 11:34:43 PM
Updated Friday, June 08, 2001 10:03:07 AM
Anthony Addabbo out as Dimitri

ABC has confirmed information given to Soap Central last week: Anthony Addabbo (Dimitri Marick) will leave All My Children in early July. It is believed that Addabbo's departure will pave the way for a possible return by recently-vinidcated Michael Nader. The show remains tightlipped about reports that Finola Hughes (Alex and Anna) will shed one of her two roles, leaving just Anna in Pine Valley.

It has been reported that Addabbo will be given a role on either General Hospital or Port Charles as a "thank you" from ABC for stepping in so quickly to fill the role of Dimitri after Nader's arrest. Addabbo's family still lives on the West Coast; he did not move them to the New York area after landing the AMC role.

One set-sider, speaking to Soap Central, revealed that the show has always planned to write out Dimitri eventually. Of course the character's future had a lot to do with the re-availability of Michael Nader. Obviously, Nader's sudden unavailability could not be immediately worked into the show and the writers needed some time to set up the character's exit.

Though ABC declined to comment on whether or not Nader would return to AMC, fans are already popping the champagne, so to speak. In a statement issued in March, ABC hinted that Nader could return if his legal issues were resolved and if he received treatment for his drug addiction. The charges against Nader were reduced and other charges were dropped last month and Nader has already completed drug treatment at an undisclosed facility. ABC is sticking with the statement it issued, but points to a key phrase in the statement that said Nader could return as Dimitri if it "makes sense" to the show's storylines.

However, a source within the show tells Soap Central that Nader might not get the chance to return -- because Dimitri may be done for good. In its original statement, ABC made a point of saying that Nader could return as Dimitri if it "makes sense" to the show's storylines.

For the time being, it is believed that Alex and Dimitri will leave town. Then, the pair can return to Pine Valley when the characters' futures are decided. In the interim, Hughes will remain on board as Anna.

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